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Showing posts from November, 2022

Ways of having a divine encounter

WAYS OF HAVING AN ENCOUNTER WITH GOD Having an encounter with God is not rocket science. It doesn't require you jumping up and down one million times or following a set-in-stone formula. Glance through the scriptures, and you'll notice that different people had encounters with God in different ways. There's no fixed pattern or system.  This is because God is dynamic. He is not boring. He loves showing up in different and exciting new ways.  However, there are some things that you can do to prepare your heart to meet with God.  • Come to the end of yourself: I beg you, don't be full of yourself. The way some people behave as if they are self-sufficient and God is just an optional back-up plan is so disheartening.  'I can do it. I can survive without God. I can do everything in my own strength and wisdom. I don't need God.'  Ha! Who are you deceiving? If you want to encounter God, you have to come to the end of yourself.  Take our dear brother Jaco

Dear Jedidah

DEAR JEDIDIAH: THE BELOVED OF THE LORD 2 Samuel 12:25 (KJV) And he sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet; and he called his name Jedidiah, because of the LORD. Here, we see the second offspring of the union between David and Bathsheba being introduced in a special light. The Lord has had mercy on King David and forgiven him for the grievous sin of adultery and murder.  He has been washed after a sincere repentance, and therefore, what proceeds from him is a seed that is not corrupted.  What's more? The Lord has taken a special likening to this child.  Romans 9:13 (KJV) As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. The Lord, although he slew the first child, has decided to show this new seed mercy. His parents name him 'Solomon', a name the entire world still reckons as belonging to the wealthiest and wisest man who ever lived on earth.  However, God, through the mouth of the prophet Nathan His servant, gives this son a new name, gives him a bra