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I ascribe, to the God of spirit and flesh and everything that exists in between both realms
I ascribe all praises and honor
For He is the one who loved me exceedingly even while I yet wallowed in the mire of filthy slime
Who rescued my soul from the tyranny of sin and satan
He sanctified me with spiritual hyssop - His own blood, His very life
Who removed the veil giving me a warped vision that I was living in freedom even when I was entangled in the shackles of the hater
He broke the chains and made me free indeed; He anointed my eyes with eye salve so that the scales were removed and I could behold His glory

Oh, I did not deserve it an inch
Oh, I loathe myself for the times I hurt Him and ignored Him when He stretched out His hands to me
I remember when He tried holding me and I cruelly shoved Him off, when He called my name and I intentionally blocked my ears, when He stood out the door of my heart in the cold of winter and heat of the desert and patiently knocked while I was inside too lazy to open the door to the one who loved me so much
He did not leave; He never has and never will
Lord I give you the award of the most intense and unfailing lover in the whole universe
Now at last I see the light and I live freely in your righteousness
You have placed in me the same burning desire of intimacy with you and I cannot stop longing for more of you

My enemies all around me are discomfited
The accuser is silenced forever
Your mighty doings on my behalf make me marvel
Sometimes I wonder if I have foes cos you make them insignificant
You are my savior, my strong redeemer, my Amen, my closest friend and confidant, my glory and the raiser of my horn as the Unicorn's, my light, my song, my everything
Men may not fathom why, but I know of a certainty that you are my all in all
Hosanna to Him who lives and reigns forever
Blessed are the hearts of all them that chase after you even in this perilous, dark world.


  1. Wonderful rendition. Sing Psalms unto the Lord for this is His due.

  2. Writing psalms unto the Lord is the best. It's almost like composing song lyrics. It would even be better for the lines to rhyme poetically. Nice psalm.


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