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"Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good: because His mercy endureth for ever." Psalm 118:1
"Thank you" is so simple a phrase yet so powerful. Unfortunately, many Christians have deleted this word from their dictionary. I pray that the Lord will minister to whosoever reads this and restore the attitude of gratitude that becometh saints.
There is a Yoruba adage that says "he who is thankful for the good done yesterday will no doubt receive another" and I quite agree. As christians, we should cultivate the habit of thanking God even for little things. The bible says in the book of Psalm chapter 103  verses 1-2: BLESS THE LORD O MY SOUL AND ALL that is within me bless His holy name. bless the Lord o my soul and forget not all His benefits.

You wake up in the morning.
You open those eyes of yours.
You can move your legs and arms.
It's not your alarm that woke you up (please keep that in mind).
Do you know the arrows God averted for you when you were snoring?
Do you know the demons that the spirit of the Lord raised up a standard against while you were drooling?
Do you know the enemies that God scattered their gathering for your sake while you were deep in dreamland?
Yet, with the excuse that you are late and wouldn’t want your boss, lecturer, master e.t.c to be mad, you nonchalantly jump out of bed ignoring the God who did not sleep cos He was watching  over you.
He is the one who owns your life and can take it back any moment He wishes to. Rise out of your bed with a heart of gratitude and commune with Him.

The roads that we ply on is the same some people ply and they are no more. In case we are unaware, there are evil spirits assigned to take people's lives through accidents. It is only by the mercies of God that we are alive today.

Once in a while we should have an excursion to the Hospital to see just how good God has been to us and how ungrateful we are. I guess the outbreak of this corona virus pandemic should be enough to teach us how to do that.

This is the one that almost all christians neglect. We should not just be prayer warriors but praise warriors. Let us learn to give thanks to God for answered prayers. You can't expect to get milk from a cow that you don’t feed. Thank God that God is not dependent on us - if God is dependent on how well we give Him praise to survive, I am so sure that our God would have died of hunger.
All we know how to do is to just ask, ask, ask… and if there is a slight delay or if God says no or if we compare our state with those we feel are better off than us, we start to grumble, complain, murmur. This must end. We should quit bugging God with what we want and start giving Him what He wants.


  1. Thank you Lord. That's all I have to say. I'm so grateful for your mighty doings towards me. I will not forget. I will not be an ingrate.


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