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 PRAY FOR THE WATCHMEN! | Intercessors for America
Many are called but few are chosen.
You have been appointed to be a watchman(woman) for your generation.
Ezekiel 33:1-20
It is not for you, as a watchman to sleep or doze off (even if you are tired, let the Spirit of God quicken your mortal body, renew your mind, renew your strength as the eagle's).
It is not for you as a watchman, to get drunk with wine (lusts and pleasures of this world) wherein is excess, but to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Duties of a watchman for God
  1. Foresight / vision: Because the watchman normally stays on a higher platform (the watch tower), he can see far ahead and beyond what a ground-level believer can. That's the benefit of being seated with Christ in heavenly places, given the altitude and eye-sight of an eagle.
  2. Sounding the trumpet / warning: The watchman of the Lord blows the alarm trumpet when he sees danger approaching so as to awaken the slumbering virgins that the bridegroom cometh, to prepare the dormant soldiers to gird themselves up for battle against the gates of hell, warn the wicked to flee from the wrath to come, to prepare the way of the Lord of Hosts.
  3. Alertness: The watchman must be constantly on the outlook day and night. He must watch and pray continually. The souls of men have been entrusted into his hand. He is responsible for the safety of the land. Spiritual sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's voice of warning about the enemies advancing and strategies is a very vital tool that every watchman must possess.
Jesus, the Word of God, has come again unto me saying: Speak, o daughter of Zion, speak to the people. Be my voice to the nations and the Church. Blow the trumpet and warn them of the wrath to come. That the blood of men be not upon you, do not keep silent. What shall I say? You may ask. Speak to them what you hear from my mouth and nothing else. Do not add your opinions or words. Just say what you hear from me. As I command you, go. Warn them that the time is very short and my return is very near. Do not tell them what they want to hear, what will excite their flesh. Say what the Spirit speaks however harsh it may sound, no matter how little those who may hearken will be. Let the words of the Lord prick their hearts and convict them to turn back to the Lord. Call the church to arise and get ready for her bridegroom who is at hand. Tell them they cannot continue in sin and expect grace to abound; they cannot pine away in error and expect to live. Tell them that it pains me to see sinners perish. It hurts me to see the works of my hands ending up in hell because they chose temporal lusts over me. Cry out to them: "Turn from your deceptions and from the way that seems right unto you but it's end is destruction. Why will you die? The way of escape has been made easily accessible for you. Jesus is the only way to life." Tell the righteous that if he trusts in his righteousness and not in Christ's, he will sooner or later fall into presumptuous sin and will face the repercussions regardless of the  multitude of his former good deeds - Let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he falls. Tell the wicked that it shall not be well with him unless he returns to me and walks in the ancient path of life - there is hope for a tree if it is cut off; at the scent of water it will sprout again.


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