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Episcopal Diocese of Guatemala: Saint Alban Mission, Antigua ...

The absurd norm
The frequency of the world
Drifting away as though none is God
The scent of eternity is so faint to many
Alas, the end of the ages has befallen us all

So much noise and commotion deafens and beclouds the ears of men
The distractions are stifling, almost strangling even
We incline our ears to the media, the horoscope, the lies of false prophets, the seductions of our own flesh
When shall we ever listen?
To that simple stirring and patient nudging that seems so distant yet is nearer to us than our skin

In the midst of the mumbo-jumbo
A voice springs, full of clarity
Solemn yet reverberating through nature's course
Sounding the alarm in the wilderness of vanity
Away! Get far away, it plead earnestly
From darkness, void and formlessness
Lest I pounce upon you like a lioness
Lest I come suddenly upon you like a thief in the night.

Let him who has ears dug out for him hear what the Spirit says
The voice of the Lord thunders like the clapping of thunder in a mighty storm
The voice of the Lord is majestic upon the wind and waters
It stirs the quiet creeks and forms ripples
And awakens the dead and buried from their graves
The voice of the Lord is terrible, who can stand when He speaks?
Tremble at His voice all people, all nations, all lands.

Hear and hearken
His voice of mercy still calls
The voice of wisdom still calls to the sons of men to forsake folly and embrace godliness
His voice of judgement comes soon.


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