In any given journey, when the obstacles or stumbling blocks are removed, movement will be easier and faster. The following list of hindrances to prayers is not exhaustive but we should take heed to remove or avoid them in our prayer journey.
For God to answer your prayers, you must not be a stranger to Him. A bastard or a foreigner to the common wealth of Israel cannot gain access to the inheritance and rights of children of God. The meat meant for sons cannot be given to dogs neither can costly pearls be cast to swine. This is why Jesus said, after this manner pray ye - Our Father. Are you praying to the right God, not the god of your own making or design? Do you know this God or are you like the Athenians whom Paul observed to be praying to an unknown God? You have to know Him and must also be known by Him.
Selfishness inhibits prayer answers. If your prayer is to just consume on your own lust then the prayer will not be answered. If your prayer is not in accordance and submission to the will of God (that is praying for lost souls, the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth, intercession for the body of Christ and so on), there is a probability that God will not answer and for your own good at that. If by continual wearing you press God to grant you your request and it isn't in God's plan for you, you are on your own. It means God has given such a person up to a reprobate mind and such blessing can become a curse.
If there is lack of understanding, love and oneness among prayer partners, among people bound by covenant, among brethren and co-heirs in Christ, their prayers will be hindered. United prayers move heaven but prayers offered with secret breeding of hate, bitterness, rancor, division… is like strange fire before God. More so, the accuser will have a foothold to steal prayers when his thorns of disunity has been given room to thrive.
Without faith, it is impossible to obtain anything from God. He that comes to God is expected to have a measure of faith even if it is as tiny as a mustard seed. Unbelief, doubt, faithlessness, worry and anxiety squelch prayer fire. You need the Holy Spirit to infuse in you the spirit of the God kind of faith.
One of the greatest hindrances to prayer is sin. God abhors sin. He cannot relate with impure hearts offering strange fire before him. Sins like pride, unforgiveness, evil thoughts, anger and other hidden or open work of the flesh. We have to put off the old man of the flesh, remove our shoes and filthy garment as we approach His holy throne, be washed in the pool of Christ's blood and put on the Lord Jesus Christ so that our prayers may be acceptable.
For us to prove our seriousness to see God's will being done on earth, we must be consistent. We shouldn't give up so easily after one or two seemingly unanswered request. We need to press our prayers and defeat the principalities of prayer opposition like Daniel. Once you are sure of the will of God, you have to keep praying until you obtain your answer.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
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