The creator of anything is always without and far greater in all aspects than the created specimen. Inventors are testaments of this. God the supreme creator of all realms both seen and unseen, both explored by man and beyond the reach of man, has gone ahead to be the pillar and center of the vast, boundless universe He has created.
Sometimes I just take time to look at the stars in the sky. Millions of them sprawled across the night sky. Their little twinkling lights shine out of the blanket of thick darkness.
The few times I was opportune to see the rarity of a rainbow always left me awed. God is a really perfect painter-artist. And we haven't seen nothing yet. The sun, moon and the stars are all works of His doing.
I often wonder why some people fail to believe that God exists when the evidence is so clear all around us. Surely, nothing springs from nothingness. There has to be a source and that source is God.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he hath set a tabernacle for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. Psalms 19:1-6 KJV.
I'll liken God to the Sun. He's the center of everything about which every particle in space revolves.
He is the source of light and heat. Just as without the sun, the whole of the solar system cannot hold, so also without God the whole of creation, both of things seen and unseen, cannot even exist.
He is the source of gravitational and magnetic force. Without His pull upon our lives, we would all derail out of our predestined orbit.
He is never completely searched out, cannot be probed by human mind and the nuclear reactions that go on in the depths of His being cannot be fathomed or inhibited or contained.
He emits life. He spreads His rays all over the space.
He is the bridegroom that emerges from his secret chamber to make himself manifest to His wise and prepared virgin bride. He is the athlete with vigor that is enthusiastic about running this race with us. He is our sun.
I'd love to compare a soul to a planet. The closer to the sun a planet is, the denser it's weight is, the faster it completes its revolution and the hotter it is. The closer an individual is to God, the more full of truth (denser) he is, the faster he orbits his creator's laid out path for him, the more such a life is ablaze for God. For a soul that is farther away from God, the opposite is the case. Such a life even though outwardly may look huge and big, doesn't weigh much according to God's scale. The possibility of such a life derailing from the orbit is greater because the force of gravity is losing its hold. That life is either lukewarm or outrightly cold. Be a Mercury, not a Pluto (which, quite interestingly, has been removed from the original list of planets in the solar system). Be a John, the beloved who lay on the Master's breast, not a Judas Iscariot, the betrayer who was removed from the named apostles of the Lord.
Another quite interesting fact about this Universe is that it is ever expanding (Not my claim; I guess the scientists just had to get a viable excuse as to why they haven't been able to reach and explore its total dimension). God never changes. He's the same yesterday and today and forevermore. The only reason we can describe him as ever-expanding is because His depth, breath and height is beyond the capacity of the natural mind to comprehend.
What is the
significance of this information for us as Christians? If indeed God is the
center of our lives, we should stop acting as though our lives revolve around
"me and me alone". For in Him we live and move and have our being. We
should seek to draw closer to Him until our lives merge and dissolve as one with Him.
This is wonderful. I love this write-up.👍
ReplyDeleteHmmm... This is deep. I've never seen it like this before. I'm enlightened by the Spirit. God bless. 😇