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Diagnosis of the various spiritual ailments plaguing the patients

Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered? Jeremiah 8:22

  1. Wounds and bleedings: These can be incurred by several means, some of which we'll examine through the help of the Holy Spirit. Pride and carelessness can make one that thinks he stands to fall rather unexpectedly. The higher the level from which one falls, the deeper and more severe the wound can be (and that if the person is fortunate enough not to be dashed into pieces). Some wounds are gotten during battle when the fiery darts of the enemy pierces through an unshielded soldier. While some of these wounds may be external and thus easily seen and treated, some might be internal wounds and internal bleedings in form of fractured bones, ulcers etc.
  2. Spiritual malnourishment or starvation: The bible says in Isaiah 55:1-2 that many people are spending money for that which isn't bread or wine. Many people unknowingly gobble down junk food or imbalanced diets once in a week and think that will be enough to sustain them. Some people have been drinking spiritual milk for so long that they've developed a condition known as lactose intolerance. They aren’t ready to eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus. They feel too lazy to tear the meat and crack the bone of the true Word of God. Consequentially, they become spiritually malnourished and are vulnerable to death caused by starvation.
  3. Spiritual cancer: Cancer is abnormal outgrowth of cells which flourish at the expense of its host. So also in the spiritual, many are carrying parasitic cancer, unnecessary weights that impede normal growth and movement.
  4. Spiritual poisoning: The bible calls it 'the sting of death'. If the spiritual hedge of fire built around a Christian is broken or breached due to sin, the serpents and scorpion have the legal ground to invade such life and bite, injecting the spiritual poison. Whether it's fast or slow, death is the endpoint if the antidote is not quickly administered.
  5. Spiritual fatigue and aches: This manifests as weariness in prayer, tiredness of soul from following the narrow path and continuing in the race. This fatigue overcame the likes of Elijah when he was running away from Jezebel, David after his town Ziklag was plundered by the enemy while he was away. It is as a result of trusting in the arm or strength of the flesh.

 Other ailments are spiritual leprosy, blindness, deafness, dementia (forgetfulness), burns (when the scorching sun dries up the Word of God in such hearts or when the fire of tribulation consumes such)

Healing in His wings

But he was wounded for our transgressions, was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

Jesus Christ is our Greatest Physician, Jehovah Rapha is He. The solution to our calamity

  • We must admit that we are sick and we should stop ignoring the symptoms any longer.
  • We must know that we need urgent treatment in the hand of the Physician as our sickly state is revealed to us. We shouldn't try to manage or accommodate the sickness in our system.
  • We must lift up our eyes and look unto the Son of God that is lifted up for healing as the children of Israel did in the wilderness.
  • Allow the Lord to do a thorough work in us until we are perfectly restored. Let's not stop Him halfway by our interference.

Lay your life bare upon the wheels of the Great Potter. Release your branch into the hands of the True Vinedresser. In the spiritual hospital of God's secret place (Psalms 139:15), there'll be various processes the Lord will use. Some will be quite painful initially (even if the Lord will be gracious enough to use anasthetic, it will eventually wear out). There'll be the amputation and pruning of anything that causes us to err (Matthew 5:29-30). There'll be implantations, transplant and transfusion. He'll feed us with the bread of life and the living water to strengthen us and neutralize the  power of evil poisons by His antidote. He'll put balm on our wounds and reset our broken bones.

Always keep your eyes fixed on Him and not yourself as He works on you. That's the secret. Happy healing and recovery as you choose to go to Jesus.


  1. Wow. I'm a nurse and this blog post is one of the best revelations I've seen as regarding my profession. This is deep truth. God bless you.

  2. Thanks so much for this, may God heal our wounds and keep us fit to be free of being wounded.God bless you.


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