At the last supper, Jesus declared that the unleavened bread which he broke and shared among His disciple symbolizes His body that was bruised, broken and given for all at the cross.
Glory be to God. Jesus' body was not subject to decay (corruption) in the grave. He arose with a resurrected, glorified body.
The body of Christ on earth was established to mirror the body of our resurrected Lord in Heaven. Thy kingdom ( Your body, dear Lord) come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
I pray that as you, my dear co-lover of The King, read through the following revelation, your eyes may be opened and your understanding enlarged to grasp the depths of this One whom we earnestly love and seek.
- His head is as white as snow. The hair signifies the glory and covering of baldness of a person. This is why the bible says that the glory of an old man is in his hoary hair and the hair of a woman is her glory. As white as snow shows the fact that that glory glows holy as a result of the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus. The hair isn't black, dark, colored, filled with lice or any other hair pest. It is pure white, Hallelujah!
- His eyes are like a flame of fire. The best color on earth that can be used to describe this is the intense, burning blue-green color of the heart of a flame. Still, that description is nowhere close to what it really is like. Songs of Solomon 5:12 His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk and fitly set. The eyes of our Lord is keen, acute and precise to see plainly what is hidden to the natural perception. His eyes search to and fro the earth, even to the innermost parts of the heart.
- His mouth spews out a sharp two-edged sword. The word that proceeds out of His mouth is Spirit and life, sent forth to convict and heal. His voice is like the sound of many rushing waters, like the clap of thunder accompanying the strike of lightning. His mouth is most sweet. His lips like a thread of scarlet with comely speech gliding out of it.
- His nose perceives the sweet fragrance of His elect's worship and the incense of their intercession and prayers; conversely, he also smells the stink of the abominations of sin rotting in the world as he perceived from the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
- His ears are sensitive to hearken to the cry and pleas of His saints. He hears the cry of agony and anguish of the oppressed as he heard the cry of the Israelites under bondage in Egypt. He hears our thoughts afar off; yes, including our innermost grumblings, vile thoughts and secrets. He hears and deciphers the tongues of the Spirit uttered beyond what words can express.
- His face is like the countenance of the sun shining in its full strength. Beams and rays of His glory project from His face with such intensity that none is able to behold His unveiled face without at least being blinded or at most dying. His countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars.
- His hands, His right hand in particular, hold the seven stars (that is the seven angels of the seven churches). Upon His palm is engraved the names of His righteous ones. His hand does valiant things and works wonders. Imagine what havoc only his finger did to great Egypt of old -- How much more mighty deeds can His whole hands perform altogether.
- His feet are like burnished bronze, refined as in a furnace. At the cross, He bruised the head of that old serpent with the heel of His feet. His legs are as pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold.
- His back (Which Moses was permitted to get a glimpse of) is full of the stripes He bore; just as His hands and feet still bear the imprint of the nails and His side the hole of the spear-piercing. His back is the testimony of His humility.
This, O daughters and sons of God, is a teeny-tiny bit of my beloved and my friend. He is altogether lovely and wholly desirable… Yes, Perfect perfection.
The perfect body of our Lord is beautiful. Glory to the risen Lord.