Many Christians have not attained the highest plateau of a worshipper majorly because they are ignorant and still lie to themselves that they know.
It is when you know what a Worshipper does and who he/she is, that you'll be able to examine yourself and ascertain if truly you are one.
No matter how much a pet cat tries to convince itself that it is the King of the jungle, it doesn't make it a lion.
Some Christians, deep in their spirits, know that there has to be more in God. But because they know what prize they have to pay to access the fullness of God, they revert back to mediocrity.
"After all, everyone is comfortable with the way things are, so why shouldn't I be?" They tell themselves.
If that is your category, the Holy Spirit is telling you that He has reserved to Himself 7000 who have not bowed to Baal and are seeking him.
You have to tell yourself the truth. Honestly judge yourself and check if indeed you are worshipping God in the way He accepts. Don't be like the Pharisees of Jesus' time who stuck their noses up in the deception of religion and tradition.
To be a truthful and spiritual worshipper, there are things you must be aware of. I pray the Holy Spirit will enlighten you and give you understanding as you read this post that is written in feeble human language in Jesus name.
God is Spirit. He won't stoop to the flesh realm anymore. He did that once and for all in Christ. In the New Covenant, God is calling us up hither to His own plain. He is seeking souls who won't be satisfied staying in the valley of the flesh realm. He is seeking for souls that will take the risk to ascend the mountain of the spiritual Zion.
A spiritual worshipper is one moved and controlled by the Holy Spirit.
A spiritual worshipper is one that has mortified the flesh and have accessed the gates of heaven.
A spiritual worshipper is one who dwells in the presence of God. He has soaked in so much of the glory of God that the even the people in the flesh realm will be able to note the difference.
And in case you don't know, worship is not just about singing a slow song that stir up emotions and make you cry. Though, many times during the process of so doing, one is moved to genuine tears.
Worship in the New Covenant is a spiritual experience with God.
So I want you to be truthful with yourself. Ask yourself questions. Am I recognized by Heaven (hell, even) as a true worshipper.
Just how well do I know this God I'm worshipping?
Am I in truth and Spirit as I worship God?
Today, I beseech you that you yield to the Holy Spirit. He'll teach you how to offer acceptable worship sacrifice. So go to the altar and worship your God JEHOVAH in spirit and truth.
As this year is running out, I enjoin you to be named among the truthful and spiritual worshippers of God.
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