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Living Stones, Holy Priesthood

1 Peter 2:5

Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. (KJV)

And like living living stones be yourself built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (RSV)

Present yourselves as building stones for the construction of a sanctuary vibrant with life, in which you'll serve as holy priests offering Christ-approved lives up to God. [MSB]

Apostle Peter had his name changed by Jesus to Cephas, which literarily means 'A Stone'. He understood that there are dead stones and living stones. Dead stones are people who do not have the Holy Spirit living and working in them. Living stones are also people whom the Holy Spirit has breathed His breath of Life into. They are the ones that He raises up to replace the dead stones who refuse to praise Him. They are the building blocks of God's true house, with Christ as the chief cornerstone.

You are an holy priesthood.

The first element worthy of note is the word 'holy'. Are you holy? Or are you among those with the school of thought that it's impossible to be holy?

Holiness as a child of God is not gotten as a result of your good works. That was why the old covenant failed in the first instance: the people's works (which most of the time were anything but good) were unable to save them.

God sent Jesus to be our righteousness. Holiness is gotten and maintained by believing and staying in Christ and allowing the Holy Spirit to do a complete work in you.

Then next point to note is the word 'priesthood'.

Priesthood connotes service and work. It's not a job for casual Christian who are content to just receive the blessings without loving the blessed Blesser. Priesthood is a call, an office that must be entered into with fear and trembling.

A priest(ess) denies himself of comforts. A priest (ess) must be selfless.

The main focus of any true spiritual priest(ess) of the New Covenant is God. Priesthood is to minister first of all to Yahweh, the One who dwells between the cherubims. In worship and adoration. Not in fear of being struck dead like the priests of the old testament. But because we approach Him by the blood of Jesus, on the basis of being not just priests but also sons and daughters of God.

The secondary focus of true spiritual priesthood is the people. We are called to intercede and pray for all men. We are commanded to love them and show compassion to all, just as Christ does. As priest(ess) of God, we must be willing to disregard our high status, our ego, our age and come low to the level of even the worst of sinners and love them and pray for them with compassion and urgency. 

It's a gigantic task which can only be carried out well by the leading and help of God's Spirit. Yes, It's not easy. But it's totally worth it. And if Jesus could do it, so can we.

Heart Prayer

Lord, we thank you that we have been chosen to be living stones and an holy priesthood unto you. Help me to fulfil this ministry. My strength might fail, but yours won't ever.

Jesus, please make me like you.



  1. Amen. May I be a living stone and a holy Priesthood unto God.


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