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Lost But Found


Luke 15:8-10 (KJV) Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it?

And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost.

Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.

I could quite relate with this parable. It all started when the government announced that every citizen of Nigeria should connect their National Identity Number (NIN) to their sim cards. 

Well, in compliance everyone in my family did so. Everyone except my Dad. We couldn't find his NIN card anywhere. And oh, how we searched! I personally looked through every single dusty file that was in our home. We checked every conceivable place, the library, every room in the house, the church, the shop. We could as well have searched underneath the beds, on top of the roof and inside the sewer.

Panic began to set in because there was a given deadline. After going to the very distant NIMC office to see if he could retrieve it, and meeting with a long queue and no network for the computers, my Dad resigned to fate and decided to lay it all into the hands of Jesus. 

On Sunday, a trusted minister who was a banker came and handed over Dad's NIMC card to him. Apparently, Dad had used it for an important transaction and had forgotten it in the hands of this man. You should have been there to see how our entire family was jumping around the church and shouting Hallelujah! It was as if we had been all been told that one million naira was found on our house's doorstep. I'm sure some church members must have been thinking us crazy or something. 

So, I can relate well with this woman in the parable of the lost coin that Jesus told.

That single lost coin here stands for the soul of a sinner. By all legitimate rights, the coin belongs to the woman. She owns the coin. But the coin got lost; most probably it rolled from off the table and got hid in a dark corner.

So also, God is the owner and creator of all souls. He had placed us in the perfect spot: the garden of Eden, to be his priced possession. But, quite unfortunately, we rolled out of his safe zone in a quest for the illusion of 'freedom' and 'infinite wisdom'. We were coaxed by the lies of the deceiver.

Hallelujah! The Lord our Redeemer never stopped searching for us. He deviced the perfect search and restore plan through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Can you fathom the way God values, cherishes and loves mankind, you and I inclusive? So much that he was willing to die in our stead. Surely we are worth much more before Him than a measly coin. We are worth more than a thousand rubies and more than a million gold bars.

And here's the best part! Did you know that the whole host of heaven's angels rejoice and celebrate when one soul is found? Can you imagine the unspeakable joy and euphoria that the Angels, Living Creatures and twenty four elders find when just a single soul is saved. They are just reflecting the immense joy of the Redeemer. 

So here's the quiz: what class do you fall into, the lost or the found?

If you are found already, praise the Lord! I must however tell you that you are among the nine coins the woman had secured in her purse. Please and please, don't scramble out to be lost again. And also, seek the delight of your Redeemer. Seek the Lost. Join the Lord in His searching and rescue mission. He is more pleased with fruitful and multiplying coins than with dormant ones.

If you know you are lost, that's a good first step. Admitting that you are lost shows that you desire to be found. Know this, Jesus loves you. He doesn't want you lost in the wave of darkness and despair. He is calling out to you. If only you can respond to his call and reach out your hand to him, he will pull you out of that pit of bondage.

Say this prayer from your heart: Lord Jesus, I come to you today. I am tired of playing hide and seek. I come out of the darkness into your light to be found of you. Oh please save me! I believe in you, Son of the Most High God, that you died to save me and you rose again on the third day. Wash me in your precious blood. Thank you for finding me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

If you sincerely said that prayer, welcome to the family of God. The angels are throwing a big heavenly party and festival because of you right now. Yes, you!

This is the first step. There's a lot more in Christ. Get closer to Him by praying, reading the Bible and fellowshipping in a true Church. I hope to see you in heaven. Leave a comment of your testimony. Share this post and bless another soul. Subscribe to get more updates on this blog. God bless you mightily.


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