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An interesting Christian short story that won first place in the WCWRC IN-HOUSE CONTEST, SEASON ONE.  

Thank you very much for your support. God bless you.

Here is the trophy:

All rights reserved ©Praise Abraham. #PeculiarPraise. 


Claudia Salcorm smiled like a girl about to enter her dream college after being homeschooled all her life. Soon, in a few hours really, she'd discard her father's name and bear the name of the one she had fallen so crazily in love with. 

As she walked to her room's balcony, drowning out the cacophonic chatter and girly giggles of her bridal train who were in the adjoining room, her glazing white, full-skirted, off-shoulder gown which was amply studded with pearls and artificial diamonds at the bodice, swished about her feet about which was strapped a low-wedged silver sandal—a compliment to her silver accessories. 

Presently, she was the only one in her room. Her mom left some minutes ago to retouch her makeover because she had shed tears when she saw her only baby girded up like an angel about to fly away. Her bridesmaid and bestie since childhood (if we overlook the countless wars between them), Mabel Preshton, Maybee as Claudia fondly nicknamed her, who had helped her to dress up, style her soft brown hair into the curly mass that held the comb of the silvery veil, and applied the slight makeup that highlighted her strikingly gorgeous facial features, was humming an off-key tune under the pouring shower in the bathroom. Claudia could only hope the girl doesn't exfoliate her skin. 

As the fresh 11:00am sun, mingled with breeze, hit her fair skin, Claudia sighed out loud while holding the railings and gazing at the interlocking of the compound floor. Gosh, she was so going to miss home. 

She was still dazed that she was getting married. It seemed to her as though time skipped so fast in a blur. 

She wondered what Ben was doing right now. Was he thinking of her? Was he having a fit of nerves? Or was he as cool, handsome and collected as ever?

She didn't think she had the qualifications to date, not to talk of marrying, Benjamin Reed. He was a pastor and a gifted gospel artiste on fire for the Lord, who had the connections to travel internationally for his ministrations. It was on one of such occasions that he met her, a lead singer at Saints of Yahweh Tabernacle, South Berma. After six months of correspondence through emails, he met her, out of a busy schedule, in a quaint restaurant overlooking a beach, and startled her with the most romantic proposal of all time. 


She was flushed to her marrow. God had apparently kept the best for her. Without hesitation, without even praying about it, which wasn't her usual style, she had squealed a 'yes' to him. The first kiss was what melted her heart completely. Surely this was God's perfect will for her, no questions asked, she had concluded.

She began to rehearse the vocals of the song she wanted to present before her vows. She had composed it herself. A love song. One this time not directed to Jesus but to the bone of her bones and the flesh of her flesh. 

"Yo! Whatcha doin' gurl?"


Claudia jumped, spun and held her chest simultaneously.

"Lord, Maybee! You startled me!" she gasped. 

"Sorry! Didn't mean to. And for the record, it isn't right for a bride to brood on her wedding day. What if you get a high BP? Your groom will simply slaughter me," Mabel said with a sly grin. 

Claudia chuckled.

"I wasn't brooding. I was thanking God for my luck. Girl, I'm getting married. I'm getting married..."

Mabel, knowing what was coming next, rolled her eyes. 

"Here we go again," she whispered to herself, smiling. 

"Aaaaahhhh!!" They both squealed in an high-pitched octave, hopping in glee like children gifted their favorite candies. 

"Okay, since we're done, let's hurry downstairs before your people think you've been kidnapped."

"Yeah, right!"

"Gurl, I'm so, so happy for you. I just pray that God will remember my plain face and give me my own prince charming." Mabel faked a dramatic half swoon.

"Just zip your lips Maybee... And I promise you, if I suffer today, I'll blame it all on you and will never forgive you," Claudia said seriously.

With a toothy grin and a shove to the bride's side, Mabel replied, "I love you too."

After settling their banter, Claudia was ushered into the decorated BMW. Maybee would have followed but she suddenly remembered at the last minute that she had forgotten the tote bag where she kept emergency supplies like tissues, a pen and a jotter, a portable solar charged fan, flat sandals and a flask of cold water.

Since they were running out of time—the church wedding was to begin at 12:00pm—Claudia was shooed off in the car with the family driver. 

As the car cruised the smooth by the busy street of Berma City, Claudia couldn't keep herself from smiling bright as she stared out the window and observed the lofty buildings as they flew past. 

The thundering sound of glass shattering caused her to whip her face sharply back onto the road before her. But alas, there was no clear road before them. It was the hood of a sixteen-wheeled trailer that cruelly glared back at her. 

Her eyes widened, threatening to swallow her face. Before she could belt out the scream that began its upward journey from her belly, she painfully felt metal cut through her face. She couldn't think past the pain. 

Her body shut down. 

Everything became blank. 


Three months later.

Benjamin Reed fiddled with the white envelope in his hands as he stood at the glass door of ICU ward 17. He knew what he had to do. But doing it was proving difficult, considering how much he had actually not expected this. 

As he stepped in, the pungent scent of antiseptics assaulted his lungs and he did his best to pull a blank face. He needed it. The blank stare.

Mabel was seated on the couch adjacent Claudia, reading a novel, even though it was evident on her face that she was stressed out. A brief scan around the room showed that Claudia's parents weren't in, which was such a relief to him. It would get the work done faster. Possibly, they went home to freshen up and grab some stuff.

The sound of the door sliding shut caused her to glance up. She thought it was the assigned nurse, one Mr Jace Gregg, that had come to administer Claudia's medication and put another blood and water bag. Surprise and relief flooded her features when she saw who it was. 

"Bro Benjamin! It's so good to see you here. You never showed up after her first surgery and I was beginning to get scared. Thank goodness you're here. Now I can rest, fully assured that her recovery will be faster," Mabel ranted on with a small smile. 

Benjamin was beginning to feel guilt gnawing at his stomach. He shoved the feeling aside. He had to do this. 

"Ehmm... Actually, I just needed to drop something with you for her," he said and glanced at the pale figure of Claudia beneath the white sheets and bandages. He cringed as he saw clearly the many scars on her neck and face. Her head was shaved bald because of the surgery. She looked anything but pretty. 

"Oh!" was all Mabel could say, as her shoulder slumped. 

"I came to tell her goodbye and that I am sorry but I can't do this anymore," he enunciated slowly and in a low baritone, looking at the envelope that lay in his hands. 

He was greeted with silence.

A furtive glance at Mabel showed that her eyes were narrowed at him, her brows were furrowed and that she was obviously fighting her lips to not spill out obscenities at him.

"So that's it? You just run off like a brat because Claudia was in an accident? None of this was her fault. Why don't you say it in her face instead? Tell her that you never loved her!" Her tone was biting and sharp.

"Well, that's the problem exactly. I can't wait any more. She's been in coma for close to three months. The doctor's report clearly tells us that her chances of full recovery is 50-50. Besides, her vocal cords and face have been destroyed." He ran his hand through his black hair and sighed. 

"I am a minister. An international one. I can't tarnish my reputation by marrying an incapacitated woman. I was in love with her but I needed to count my cost."

When Maybee just stared at him in slack-jawed appallation, he tossed the envelope at her and shuffled out.

"You're really serious? You're a coward, Benjamin Reed. A big fat coward, I tell you!" she stood and yelled after his retreating figure. 

Never in her life did she expect Claudia's knight in glimmering armour to turn into an evil villain. What happened to the for better for worse part? Oh! They hadn't said the vows? What if they had? Would he be so cold hearted to do this? Did he even know God?

"Oh Claudia," she cried as she slumped into her couch and stared with teary eyes at the envelope and then her best friend, 

"What in the world am I going to tell you? Please don't die on me. Oh God please..."


Jace had finished his rounds, organized the files and was about to go home when he felt the nudging to wait back. He didn't know why, given the fact that he had some things to attend to in his house, like getting the groceries, helping his kid brother with his final project and spending time in prayer for the 5pm Bible study where he was to lead the offering section.

Even though he was relatively new in Christ, his love for God was what kept him going and he loves his job. Maybe this was God's way of drawing his attention to something urgent that was about to happen. 

Without willing it to, he felt his heart drawn towards his special patient, the very one God claimed was his partner, who had been unconscious since the time she was rushed here in her wedding dress!  

He walked briskly to ICU ward 17 and entered. Her best friend, who seemed to have no other dwelling place, was snoring softly on the couch. 

He moved to the bed of the patient and glanced down her face. He felt for her. Who knows what pain and trauma she had to be enduring trapped in that cocoon called a coma? 

That she was breathing was a miracle because the driver of her car had died instantly. As he got to know later on, the truck driver had been inebriated in broad daylight, and he was the cause of the accident that caused this woman to be bedridden on the day she was supposed to be most joyful. Thankfully, the government enforcement agencies had apprehended him to face the music of the law. 

He checked the ECG monitor beside her. Her pulse rate was slow but steady. So was the brain activity. Nothing was unusual here. 

He adjusted her drip line and drew the blanket about her body more closer.

As he turned and was about to go, he felt a soft hand grip his arm weakly. Claudia, aged 25, as her file stated, was awake from her coma. 

Swinging into action as her eyelashes fluttered open, Jace pressed a button to alert the doctor-in-charge. He bent close to her and spoke when he saw her trying to stand up. 

"Hey, don't stress yourself. Lie back down. The doctor is on his way."

"Where... where am I?" her voice was patched and cracked, an evidence of lack of moisture and the damage to her vocal cords. He could barely hear her. Also, she had this look of agitation written all over her face. 

The doctor, beaming smiles of proud accomplishment, entered with Mrs Salcorm, Claudia's grateful mother, trailing after him. 

Mabel stirred and soon sat up, though groggily, when she noticed the mini crowd that had gathered around her bestie's sick bed. 

"She's awake?" Mabel asked tentatively, secretly scared that her bestie was in danger.

The doctor who was checking her vitals let out a grunt of affirmation. 

Mabel was so joyous that she kept and threw herself on Claudia, laughing and crying at the same time.

"Oh gurl... I've missed you so so so so much." 

"Me too..." Claudia managed to croak out under the strain of Mabel's bear hug. 

"Miss, you might want to give your friend breathing space. She's just recovered," the doctor pointed out.

"Oops, sorry." Mabel gave him a cheeky grin.

"Mr Gregg," the doctor said, turning his attention towards Jace, "Please get her file and the vitamins for recuperation right away. She has to get accustomed as soon as possible to her new lifestyle." Jace went out after the doctor. 

Claudia's eyes darted about the room looking for a certain someone.

"Where's Ben?" she eventually asked when she couldn't bottle it in any longer.

Mabel threw a glance at Claudia's mom who simply hissed. She sighed and patted her friend's back. 

Few minutes later, Jace returned to the ward, only to meet a sobbing Claudia being patted and consoled by her friend. Not wanting to intrude the private moment, he turned back and threw up a prayer to God for her. 


It had been almost six months since her dreams were shattered by an accident. 

Her perfect man vanished from her life without so much as an explanation or at least a face-to-face confrontation. 

The letter he left was so heart-wrenching that she'd shredded and burnt the paper after reading it once through a host of mucor and salty tears. 

How could he have so easily forgotten all their wonderful moments together all because of an accident? She couldn't thank her stars enough that she didn't give him her virtue. It would have ruined her. The last she heard, he had married a hot chick and was still firing away all over the nations. 

Her sonorous voice was gone. No more singing in the choir for now. She now detested going outdoors because people give her the cold shoulder because of the scars that slithered across her face. 

Once, a little girl screamed in terror when she saw her taking a walk in a park. The recollection still made her sad. 

Her faith was greatly shaken. If not for the fact that her friend, Mabel, never left, she would have resorted to suicide. But no! Mabel was always there. Like a clam to its shell, she stuck tight. 

Claudia clutched the Bible she was holding and almost flung it across the room. She had been reading Jeremiah 29:11. 

For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

She let out her frustration in a scream.


"This isn't fair God! I didn't deserve this. I served you with my whole being and this is what you pay me back with?" 

"My life is a mess. Nobody wants me. How is that plan good? How?"

She began to sob.

"I'm sorry Lord... I didn't mean what I said. I don't know what came over me."

It's okay, Daughter.

"No, actually it's not. I think I meant most of what I said. I mean, what do I do now?"

Be still and know that I am God.

"I can't be still. My life is wasting away."

I made your life child. I know what's best for you. You were treading the path of destruction to death. I saved you.

She snorted.

"As if..."

You can be grumpy all you want. But if you can simply trust me, you'll thank me for the best package that I have in store for you.

"I hope so. Oh, I do hope so." 

The door opened. It was her mom.


"Honey, you have a visitor."

"I'm not coming."

"Well, it's your nurse."

Her face brightened. 

"Really? Jace is here?"

Over the time of her discharge, she had grown a bond with Jace. He was so nice and understanding, and did she mention handsome too? Sometimes, when she felt she had overburdened Mabel, he was her next bus stop to rant and cry her heart out.

Her mother chuckled. "Yes honey. He's waiting in the living room downstairs for you. You coming?"

"Okay," she said trying to mask her joy and pretend as if she was still unconcerned. 

Standing from the bed, she pranced to her mirror. Even though she didn't like looking at her image, she didn't want to look like a monster to her visitor. She ran her fingers through her short regrowth of a hair.

She trotted downstairs and saw Jace standing with his hands shoved into his pockets.


Why in the world did she think Ben, that traitor that the Lord had demanded she forgive upon which she was still working on, was handsome? This was a Greek god standing life-and-direct before her. With his dark, hazel eyes and wavy hair, he looked like a picture from a fashion magazine.


As she felt her heart leap upon sighting him, she chided herself. 

"Not again. Don't fall again. You're not his type. Who would marry you, an ugly duckling?"


Stiffening, she stood before him and stretched her hands for a polite handshake. "Hello Mr Gregg! How do you do?" 

His face was a mix of surprise and confusion at her drama.

"Earth to Claudia! It's me. Jace. What's all the formality for?" 

Ignoring her hand, he pulled her into an embrace. As she inhaled his warm, manly scent, she relaxed. 

The Holy Spirit dropped into her heart: I know the thoughts I think towards you. For behold, I will do a new thing and now it shall spring forth.

 She almost felt His smile and slowly, she smiled along.


Genre: Christian flash fiction (subgenre: romance)

Word count: Approximately 3000 words

Author's note: Hello lady or gentleman!😃👋 

Thank you a million times for taking out of your precious time to read this short piece. I hope you enjoyed every bit of it as much as I did writing it. 🤗

All the characters, especially Claudia, have a quality we can learn from. Can you point some out? And who was your best character?

God bless you. Love you. ❤️❤️❤️


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