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Let me guess... You came here because you're curious about what I have against NYR's? *Clears throat* Uhmmm, sorry, I meant New Year Resolutions. *Flashes cheeky grin at reader. He he he... Typical of me to coin my own abbreviations.

So, the issue is, this resolution frenzy 'in thing'  comes at the beginning or start of every new era: like a new year, a new month, a new week, even down to a new day, for those who have the time to actually plan their whole lives. Kudos to this category of people o... It's a special grace, I tell you.

I went to the dictionary on my phone to check up the meaning of the word, 'resolution'. 
It read, 'A strong will, determination; A statement of intent, a vow.' 

I burst out into laughter when I read this definition. You know why? Cos, pfft, *rolls eyes*, One, this is so not me, or any other normal human being for that matter. Well, except that human being has watched like 100 series of motivational speeches daily right from cradle. 
You know, those clips with upbeat triumphant music playing in the background while the speaker is gesticulating with the veins on his head popping out and is pounding on and on, screaming into the screen, "YOU CAN DO IT! BECAUSE I DID IT!" Seriously?

Please, don't misquote me o. There's nothing bad with NYR's and motivational speeches. In fact, I think those things have an iota of truth and helpfulness. I've put those things into good use many times myself.

However, sadly, two things constantly go against whatever plans you might have set out for the year, or for your life in fact.  

◕Ding! Nature's/Fate's wickedness.

◕Ding! Ding! Your personal weakness. 

Now, I want to tell you my story... 
The perfect scenerio of nature's cruelty.

It's a bit of a downer but I'm fine. *Hands Kleenex to self and to reader. Melancholic music plays.*

2020 dawned; everyone was happy. The Hallmark year. I mean, even the numbers rhymed. 20—20. How cool is that? 
NEWS FLASH: It was not cool at all! 

Kai! Come and see my NYR's for that year. Come and see my bucket list. I wrote few down and the rest was in my head. 

I had just gotten my admission into my choice University for my choice course, Architecture (cheers to all my archi comrades reading this!) And I got my very own Android phone. I was literarily on top of the world. This was freedom, baby!

My NYR for 2020 was like:
1. Attend ALL my lectures and be early to them.
2. Eat whatever I want, wherever I want, whenever I want. 
3. Make new friends. Real friends.
4. Wear the coolest dresses in town that will make people freeze on seeing me. Yup, I thought of doing that too... 
5. Read the entire Bible in one year, again. Fast three times a week. Win 50 souls for Jesus. (Ha! Well, I couldn't leave my HS out of the equation.)

*Looks back at my naive little self, shakes head, tsks and sighs.*

Bro COVID-19 hit the world like a wrecking ball and my little Lego castle was crushed, big time. 

Everything came to a big standstill. I and everyone else on planet earth was sent back home due to the lockdown. 
Sweet Sis Fate decided to top it off with a big cherry on top of my own hot-cream: My phone developed a big fault and I was rendered phoneless. What could be worse?

Long and short, my new year resolutions were squahed. 

However though, I did have amazing testimonies, one of which is this blog. I started writing during the lockdown and it started from this blog (on my laptop, mind you). Then I came out of my hibernation on Wattpad and began writing my first book there, titled 'A Pastor's Daughter's Diary'. 
For those who are interested in checking it out, the link's down below.

Lesson number one: Think big but don't be too shocked or too disappointed if things don't work out exactly the way you plan. 
Seriously, take it from me. I'm an architect in the making and I totally know the importance of planning stuff.
There's this interesting movie I saw recently in which a NPC (Non-Player Character) in a video game unexpectedly evolved into a self conscious AI (Artificial Intelligence)? That glitch in the way things were supposed to be in that game changed the whole course of the game, both inside and outside, for good. Hey! Don't look at me that way. I have in no way evolved into a movies-and-games-loving freak.
My point is, don't sweat it bro. Take a chill pill when it seems as if the walls are caving in. All things work together for good for those who love the Lord, for those who are called according to His purpose.

Lesson number two: The whole equation will be pointless without God in it. He shouldn't be a secondary variable. Make Him a constant; that one ingredient that leads to the solution of the equation. Pray first and then, He will lead your plans.

Wanna know if I have new year resolution for 2022? Well, I do. It's a white sheet of paper with only three letters on it.
Care to join my gang of God chasers as He leads us through this year? One thing I've come to learn about my Jesus is that He is spontaneous. He loves surprises. Many times He kicks aside our agenda and just takes us on an adventure with Him. I love Him for that. 

Lesson number three: When you achieve something unexpected, something good though small, learn to thank God for it. You didn't make it happen. Nah ah. You didn't have even the slightest inkling that things would turn out so good. Give God the praise. 

Thank you for stopping by to read this little epistle by your humble girl. 
I will really, really, really *Gives the cute puppy dog eyes* appreciate your comment and you spreading the word about this blog if it has blessed you in any way. I'll welcome any suggestions you might have concerning future posts you want me to write on. Of course, the HS must approve before I can write on it. 

Love you with Agape.
Without you, my writing is pointless. 

Making the world a better place by THE WORD,


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