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Laughing at the devil's face when he is fuming that his plans have failed...

Welcome once again to this arena.

Thanks to all those who read the previous post and commented. Your response was really encouraging. God bless you.

Today, I bring you:
"Operation detective PeculiarPraise!" 
*Puts on detective lenses and pipe like Sherlock Holmes*

Like I promised in the previous post, I'm gonna be telling y'all about the burgling/raiding of my church, from the close range view of the Pastor's Kid.

Now, I'm sharing this because I know that someone's faith needs to be built up. This is not to ridicule God's name (I can't ever dare to do that), or to make you scared or sorry for us. 

The truth is once you sign up to be a Christian, you've signed up to be satan's next target. Persecution, trials, temptations will swarm you hard. The whole world will turn against you. 
Jesus is our perfect example. His case was far worse; they even called Him Belzeebub. *Seethes in anger.* How dare they! *HS calms me down.*

Forget all that mumbo-jumbo that they used to cajole you into thinking that once you become born again all your problems are over forever. Are you for real? Nah-ah. That won't happen until we get to heaven. Cuz here on earth, the prince of this world of darkness is in charge. Remember that we are strangers and pilgrims on earth.

Before I move further, I want to appreciate God specially for my Dad. I couldn't have asked for a better father and mentor. His life is a challenge to me. I can't begin to recount the countless battles and challenges and temptations this man has faced in the course of following Jesus. Is it the several times he almost died of accident or sickness or spiritual attack? Is it how one man came to our church to assault my dad physically because of one of our church members? Is it the many sacrifices, self denial and pain of rejection? Is it how many tears and cries to God on that altar? 
Daddy, I celebrate God's grace upon your life. I know God because you showed me. I love you. And it is my prayer that God's grace upon your life will never cease and you won't lose your heavenly reward.  

Any average Nigerian knows that new year's eve is always bubbling. The night street was thronged with cars and bodies. My mom was on night duty, being a nurse (Massive shout out to my mom too. She's amazing!).

We went to buy petrol that the church generator will use for the cross over service. As we left and were about to turn from the main road into the street that leads to church, I, who was seated in the front beside my Dad, suddenly saw this 'Okada' (motorcycle) coming with full speed, not regarding that other cars had already stopped and that we were halfway across the road with our trafficator on. 
I shouted 'JESUS!!!' because I didn't know what else to do. It happened so fast, in a split second. 
Just in time, my dad slammed the brakes. 
In fact, it was nothing short of a miracle that we didn't kill someone because of the speed that the Okada was coming with ehn... 
All the way to church we were just shaking and saying "Thank you, Jesus."

Cross over service was divine. 
We had choreography and drama and choir ministration and Word and intense prayers, all of which were so powerful. Glory to God! 

With the cross over vigil done and dusted, as we dilly-dallied about, we began to hear really loud bangers and see fireworks display in the sky. Typical, eh?
(This one reminds me of last year's Christmas in my home. We thought thieves had invaded the area, so we crouched low to the ground, because the bangers sounded so loud like the firing of bullets. Worse still, when my brother went out at that time to put off our generator, he claimed he saw bullets dropping into the compound. You should have seen us shaking like agama lizards. Come and see American action movie happening real life. *Laughs at the memory*).

Well, service was over. We rounded off everything, packed up our stuff, locked all the windows and doors and went back home. 

When morning dawned fully, my father had missed several calls from one of our church members who lives really close to the church. Dad called back and he was told that our church had been broken into by some lovely and sweet Nigerian citizens. I'm being sarcastic in case you don't still get the gist.  

At the moment the news landed, I was in the bathroom. My agitated sister was the one who knocked on the door and downloaded the update to me. I hurried and got dressed, intending to follow my dad for surveillance (Remember, operation Detective PeculiarPraise?). 
He said no. Not on the first day of the year (Sorry to burst your bubble, peeps). 
As proposed by the 'Yas' born (my youngest brother has a slight lisp, so he pronounces his L as Y), my siblings and I stood and joined hands in prayer while Dad went off to assess the situation telling us to stay put and eat a light breakfast. Our systems were disstabilized; our appetites left us. 

My mom returned from her work place. Finding the compound empty with no sign of our car, she knew something was off and began to ask questions. 
We made her come in, calm down and broke the shell to her. She called Dad but he calmed her down too, telling her not to worry.

Long story short, these wonderful, blessed human beings had stolen our new piano, mixer, equalizer. They cut through all the locks with a clean snap, and worked without trouble because practically all the neighbours had put on their generators. For those who don't know, those stolen equipment are really costly now, with the inflation and 'great' economy of Nigeria.
Later, my dad gisted us that the entire neighborhood had gathered, lamenting, but he was the one who dispersed them. He had to also go make a police report just to fulfill all righteousness. He had already settled the case in the place of prayer. 
He said he actually had a dream that pointed to the incident: That we came to church with our car and when we wanted to leave, we couldn't find it again. Thinking it was a spiritual antagonism from hell as regards or new year theme, 'SUPERNATURAL PROGRESS', he prayed in that direction, not knowing that God was hinting him about what was to come. 

You should have seen the joy and happiness with which we celebrated our New Year. I'm sure Satan's cohorts must have been crying in disappointment in whatever hole they'd gone to hide in. 

The first Sunday service was a blast. We used our old piano which my other younger brother, the pianist of the church, had as his personal practice keyboard at home. We also managed a really archaic mixer which we had at home (these things come in handy at times like this). 

Now as the Holy Spirit has instructed, we are launched into 7 days of JERICHO PRAISE! Glory, Hallelujah!!!

Now, down to my take away tips for you.

Lesson number one: Sometimes the least expected of things happen. And we begin to ask questions. Is this God's will? If so, why? Or is this the devil's work? 
Like my dad always says, trials demand for our faith. Just like Jesus asked the disciples, "Where is thy faith?" when they were terrified of the storm that hit their ship. 
Don't cry. 
Don't begin to blame God.
Don't let the opinion of men sway you from keeping your calm. 
Just keep trusting. 

Lesson number two: Praise and pray.
Like a friend of mine once said, Worship and intercession are interconnected; worship allows you to connect to God, while prayer allows you to collect from God. Best advice when you feel like wailing? Praise God and shame the devil. 

Lesson number three: Be security conscious. The times are hard, especially in 'Naija'. Only God protects, but don't be careless either. 
Be watchful, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil goeth about like a roaring lion seeking whom to steal from. 

Oh, and by the way, if we ever get back our former instruments or someone donates a new set to us (which I believe God will make possible), I'll hint you guys about it.

In my next post, I'll be talking about new year resolutions and how God fits in that equation. I don't know if you're like me that starts out with high expectations and end up doing close to nothing. Then the next post is for us both. Stay tuned. 

I love you with the unconditional love of Christ. Your being here is an answer to my prayer. Thank you for reading my story. 

A girl sold out to Jesus,


  1. Thanks alot for sharing sis ❤️

    1. Thanks be to God alone. I'm just His vessel, honoured to be His voice. ✨✨✨

  2. Nice. Collecting with prayer and Connecting with worship.

    1. Yes oo. The phrase hit me too and I just had to share it here. Thanks for reading and commenting. 😍🤩🤗


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