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We've seen water benders, fire benders, air benders and earth benders, all thanks to the Avatar movie.
Today, I'm going to be talking about another superpower, which is 'Time Bending'. 
*Enters superhero mode, complete with suit, cape and cool dark shades.*

We serve a God who is beyond and controls time and space. He the omnipresent God who regards eternity as the blink of an eye. 
If you believe that, can I hear an 'AMEN!'? 

My physicists friends will agree with me that due to the theory of relativity (Genius Mr Albert Einstein came up with that one), the concept of time and space bending is not far-fetched. That's why science fiction can conjure possibilities of time travel, teleportation and the likes. 

Am I the only one who feels the concept of time is simply unbalanced? 
I mean, who else is finding it hard to believe that 10 days are gone already from 2022? 

Just say 'let me take a snort nap to boost my weary body (God help you that you don't say that in bed on a Monday morning when it's the first day on your new job). By the time you open your eyes, it's over 2 hours, which ironically looks nothing more than 2 seconds to your perplexed brain. 
Or when you indulge in an interesting book or movie, and before you can say 'Jack Robinson', hours have slipped by. 

Using the simple principles my bestie, the Holy Spirit (HS) has taught me, both from scripture and also from personal experiences, I want to help you my dear friend to see that it is possible and achievable to manage your time and make the best use of it.

Before you guys begin look up to me like some time management guru, let me just burst your bubble by saying I am a wannabe. Meaning, I'm also still trying to find a balance with my time life. 
The main culprit that gulps my time is Villain phone/social media (as I am certain is the case with you too). 
So this blog post is more or less a scolding message from HS to myself...

Before you tap away from this blog in anger (cos I can sense some of you rolling your eyes in disgust/boredom already, thinking I'm going to start lecturing you on how you must not procrastinate and how you must plan every moment of your day. I know you're already sick of that whole mantra or you're just tired cos you've tried all that formula whereas all it did was make your life more complicated), calm down a bit.

*Sings a soothing melody for my fuming and about-to-elope friend. Sits him/her in a massage chair and hands him/her  a chilled bucket of ice-cream.*

Now that you're all settled, let me happily inform you that, I might talk about those things. 

Woah, woah, wait. Before you cringe and storm away in indignation, I want you to know that it's going to come in a different way, thanks to HS. *Grins triumphantly*.
We're talking about time bending here, baby.

Without further ado, let's dive in.

Time bending trick one: Understand the concept of time being distributed equally for everyone. Every human being on earth has the same 24 hours per day. What you do with that stretch of time is what makes the difference.  
Then, understand the concept that every thing has an alloted time frame. Ecclesiastes 3:1(RSV) For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. 
Don't mix up the activities you should be doing per moment. 
The time to cook isn't the time to press your phone... (I'm hearing my mom's voice saying this one).
The time to sleep isn't the time to stare into your phone giggling over a meme your friend sent... (This voice is my dad's).

Time bending trick two: Delegate. 
For crying out loud, Mister, you aren't an octopus with 8 arms. Multitasking is one of the biggest lies of the century. Trust me, I've tried it. It will only slow you down and turn you into a zombie.
That's why you should have a good relationship with people around. 
Don't be the bossy elder sibling, cos one day you'll have to ask your younger one to help you do something while you attend to something more important. 
Be nice to your roommates, they can be lifesavers with your chores in times of emergency duty calling you (Side note: never overdo this though. It can end in a  fatal aftermath).

Time bending trick three: Quit checking your watch and crying over wasted time. 
Quit whining about the past. The past is gone and there's nothing your worrying can do about that. The present and future awaits. Make the most of your now moment.

Time bending trick four: 
Oversleeping is a crime henceforth. 
Reader: Whaaattt!!! Didn't you just say to sleep well everyday?
Me: *Raises hands in surrender*. Hey, it's not me o. This advice is from the wisest man who ever lived. Solomon seems to be a pro in time bending. 

Proverbs 6:4 (RSV) Give your eyes no sleep and your eyelids no slumber.
Proverbs 6:9-11 (RSV) How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you rise from your sleep? 
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest,
And poverty will come upon you like a vagabond and want like an armed man.

Time bending trick five: Invest your most time in God. 
Kai! This is the most powerful of all the things I'll say today. The ROI (Return On Investment) when you give God your best moments is massive. Pronto! 
My personal advice, start your day with God first. Communion with Him first thing when you wake will make it easy for you to walk through the day and end it with Him. 

Bonus tip: 
I intended to stop at 5, but let me be nice and chip this secret formula in. It's a simple technique I gleaned from my local assembly of believers in my school. I have a kind of tabulated small book where we write the number of hours, minutes and seconds we spend on reading, lectures, fellowship activities, personal devotion and miscellaneous (We call it reading record book, because the main purpose is to keep track of the amount of time you spend studying). At the end of each week, you'll submit your reading record book to your subgroup leader, who will then assess it to see if you have spent more than the minimum amount of time on studying and the maximum amount of time on miscellaneous activities. And you mustn't tell a lie into this book. There are rewards and punishment for excellent and horrible time records. 
You can also apply this trick to your daily life. Find a trusted accountability partner, preferably someone older than you, who will help you keep track of your time usage. 

I'll just round off this blog post with a poem written for me by my very close writer friend, Taiwo Idowu (Pen name: Taiwolillyz🌼)

What waits for no man and is experienced by every man?
What when passed can never be reversed?
What once lost can never again be found?
Time...that is what we've been told.
But since our God is a God of all possibilities,
The only one who can restore the years the canker worm has eaten,
The only one in the book of Joshua who could stop it,
The only one in the book of Isaiah who could reverse it,
So what is a thousand years to God but a day?
All we can say is that, BETTER DAYS ARE AHEAD,
Even past this day.
So what is time when you have the Ancient of Days

It will be my greatest joy to hear your testimonies that you have through this little write up found the secret to maximize time.

Your writing buddy who is still running around the clock,


  1. Gurl, this is too good ooo! Taiwo wrote a MASTERPIECE! What is time when you have the Ancient of Days ✨👑🔥

    And sis, all these are too correct, you are perspicacious!! Only our Strategist HS could enlighten in such a way!
    (Can you guess who I am?)

    1. Of course, Wattpad bestie. How can I not know this is you? It's your writing voice, clear and clean. You finally got how to comment. Thank God.
      Cookie, thanks for reading and commenting. I hope this post blessed you. 💖💖💖❤️❤️❤️

  2. This is what I really need now. God bless you sis. Time is a gift from God.

  3. Beautiful! Especially the ROI comment


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