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*Chirps joyfully like a songbird...*
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To my regulars, It's been quite a while since I wrote last, uhn? I know and it's a pretty long story which I'll save for another day as the Lord permits. 
The good news is, I am back (at least for now), and as the Holy Spirit (who, as you might already know, I fondly refer to as my HS) has inspired, I have delved into a bit of poetry this time around.

*Clears throat for effect*

We all know what time it is, don't we? 
*Wriggles eyebrows and winks* 
It's the season of love. *Says it in a sing-song voice, sighs dreamily and swoons* 

Gifts and possibly confessions are flying back and forth and even social media itself is probably jealous. 

If you're like me (#Betrothed-to-Jesus-squad) then you most probably just stood and stared from a distance while wondering what on earth they're doing... (Or am I the only one in this category???) 

Anyways, today, I bring you this thought-provoking and sweet-as-cheese blog post to cheer up your day, if it was kinda "val-less". 

I want you to read this with an expectation and prayer in your heart that you'll understand behind the letter and that the Holy Spirit Himself will minister to you.


At some point, life felt like a blob of random chance that just happened.
At other rare times, everything seemed like a deliberately crafted plan of a higher force.
My confused self couldn't help but wonder, 'Is anything real?'

There was a time I craved for love so bad that I sought it in the wrong things.
Addictions, obsession and lust chained me tightening the pain in my heart.
I was desperately struggling to fit a square peg into a round hole.
I did wonder then, 'Am I even real?'

I had given up.
I was tired of the struggle.
I just wanted to be left alone, Or better still, snuffed out of existence.
Out of nowhere, when I least expected it, 
Love found me.
But doubt came back, whispering, 'Is love real?'

All my notions of love was what I had seen in the Korean dramas and romance novels.
Butterflies in the belly, fireflies in the head.
Strawberries, chocolates and kisses everytime.
But all that was a faux, I realized.

Turning to He who called himself Love, with tears smeared all over my face, I asked,
"Where have you been all this while?"
He smiled and replied, light beaming from his face.
"I have always been here, beloved.
You've only been to preoccupied with yourself to hear my beckoning. 
I have loved you with an everlasting love. 
You are mine."

You embraced me; I watched in amazement as all my fears melted away. 
I felt all the nerves in my soul come alive after being dead for so long.
I beheld your face; I could almost weep at the beauty and glory it held.
I tasted of your goodness; it was like pure honey and manna straight from heaven. 
I inhaled your fragrance; nothing has ever smelt so intoxicatingly delicious. 

"Why me," I asked.
Is this even real? Will it last?

"My love is real," He replied. 
"And it lasts forever."

With a hope that clung to Him, I rejoiced and allowed His love to overwhelm me.
For in the volume of His book He has written concerning me.
Nothing shall separate me from His love that found this damsel in distress.


There are two cups filled to the very brim.
The cup of judgement.
The cup of love.

Thing is, these cups are usually poured out in cycles.

In the beginning: Love, first manifest in creation.
Then judgement, manifest in the expulsion of man from God's presence after the fall.

As the end of time draws nigh, Love again, when the very Son of God came down to earth for our sakes.
Then judgement, when every creature shall stand before him to give an account.

Love and judgement are inseparable. One is the subset and offshoot of the other. 

Why then do we shy away from judgement?
Yes, we are mortal and He is immortal and can do whatever he so wishes. 

But still He is the righteous judge and we are His subjects. 
But blessed be His name for even though He is the consuming fire, He has His throne made of grace and mercy. 

So don't be the one to drink out of the cup of His wrath because you were too proud and adamant to accept Him. 
Be the one to drink the cup of His blood and His love. 


Ehm, I know you people are expecting another round of poetic, philosophical musings about the subject of the day, 'LOVE!'

No, no, no.
This time around, I just want us to talk. Yeah, you there staring at this screen.

You know, sometime ago, I was talking to my first love (and before you start to look at me funny, may I state it in plain terms that I am referring to Yeshua Hamashiach, also know as Jesus Christ. And yeah, we talk about all kinds of stuff.)

I was asking Him: If I am just seeing a tiny part of the evil in this world and I am so disgusted and pained, how do you survive when you look at all the myriads of evil on the earth and how men conveniently ignore and outrightly reject you. 

Just in case you didn't know, God has feelings. Yup! I just said that right and you can double check all through scriptures. He can feel sorrow and joy and love and other things we humans can't even feel. 

We aren't serving a stone God that doesn't have emotions. Yahweh's emotions are...—How do I describe it— in a far great dimension that anything that any man has ever felt.

Back to my discussion with Him, I could sense him sober up. 
And then, he whispered his answer to me.
I chose not to look at the evil in the world, if not, I'll have destroyed this world long ago. 
I chose instead to fix my eyes on the blood and the redeemed ones who love me with all their heart, though they be few. You are my sweet fragrance on earth. 

At another time, I asked him: God if indeed you are all knowing and all present, when eternity starts that means you'll be in hell, well aware of the suffering and torture of all those you once loved, how will you bear it. 
His reply: You are my consolation. All who had received my love and will forever reign with me in heaven. Seeing you comforts me and makes what I went through worth it. 

Sometimes I just don't get how God does it. I guess I'm not meant to cos if I did, if anyone did, then God wouldn't be God anymore. 

Take some time to think today and talk to the Greatest Lover the world has ever known. 
Ask anything, he has all the answers. 
And if you haven't, now is the perfect moment to commit your life to loving him. 
It isn't rocket science, neither does it have to be elaborate and dramatic. Just be sincere and go to Him. He'll receive you just the way you are. 

Alright guys, I guess that's it for this piece. I hope you were blessed by it. Let me know what's your own notion about love. 

I remain the BFF of HS and his voice to the nations.


    My, my, my. On point, as usual ✨πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚✨. HS is really working with you, Praise. I have no words to describe the delight and wisdom found in this. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
    and yes, most of us were you , standing on the corner and watchingπŸ˜‚
    #Bethrothed-to-Jesus #WaitingfortheBridegroom #SinglebridesofChrist


    Thank you for the writeup, may the LORD bless you

  3. Whoa amazing Miss Praise
    I didn't know you were into poetry
    And the message is beutiful

  4. I'm speechless!πŸ₯Ή❤️‍πŸ”₯


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