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Hey pal!
What's up? And how have you been doing?

Seriously, I know this blog has been so dry for a while now. 
How ironic when I think back on how my new year resolution included me being consistent with blogging and sharing real life applications with my fans and friends. 
Well, I guess that's the whole bane of resolutions. Use them for the first month, and then dump them into the basement of your life. Urgh!
But no, sweet HS* won't let me rest. He's been nagging at me for a while now to write. 
Even as I type out this blogpost, my phone's battery is low, and it's the witching hour (midnight, in case you're wondering). But I know He who gave me this assignment will help me. Amen.

Oh, by the way, Happy New Month!
April's fool mood in the air? Have you already been pranked? Have you pranked someone? 
Is it even biblical to prank someone as a child of God? Think twice. 

I'm guilty too, I'll admit. 

I vividly recall how, years ago, my sis and I went to our parents' room and pranked our Dad on April 1st that the car's tyres were flat. Mind you, that morning, he had an important place to get to very early. We bounded outside together, my sis and I giggling secretly at each other, happy to have finally succeeded at fooling our seemingly unprankable Dad.  
Alas! Two tyres were actually flat! Our joke had turned to reality. 
I and my sis felt guilty and vowed never to prank anyone again. 

That was years ago. Now, with the help of HS, I try my best to allow my life to be governed by the word of God and not by fads and trends in town. 

April Fool is just a sugar-coated version of lying. Humans have so degenerated in their values that we now dedicate a whole day to allowing the spirit of deception and lies to rule over us. Can you even begin to imagine what sorts of demons are being unleashed all because of an unfounded tradition? And on the first day of the month that is the start of spring/rainy season in most parts of the world?

Why not embrace the Truth instead? 
April's fool can become April's wise one. 
Embracing the Truth starts with embracing the Word of God. And that's a person, not a thing. That's Jesus Christ. 

How can I explain it? The Word of God is just so deep, wide and infinite in itself. It has literally the answers to everything. 
Combine it with the enlightenment HS brings and you have a gigantic nuclear bomb in your spirit (the good, heavenly kind, mind you) counting down till blast off. 

One of the most popular books of the Bible is the Psalms. I think the reason is obvious. In it is contained songs and poems and prayers and inner broodings of a men with like passion as you and I. In case you didn't know before, King David wasn't the only one who wrote Psalms. Moses, Asaph, sons of Korah and many other people wrote parts of the amazing collection we know as Psalms.

And then, we narrow it down to the most popular psalm and arguably the most popular chunk of the scriptures: Psalm 23. 
(In court mode: Any objections? Objection overulled!)

The first half of that chapter is all nice and warm and cozy. You know, green pastures, still waters and stuff...

The second half is gloomy and dark, with a tint of silver lining at the end. 
'Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...'
First thing you'll notice here is that being in the valley of the shadow of death is not as a result of the leading of the shepherd. 
Let's just say that this sheep—let's name it Sheepy. Crude, I know—wandered and strayed away from the green pastures. Sadly, adventurous Sheepy ended up in the valley where death lives. Of course, no shadow can be seen unless light is obstructed by a real. So, Sheepy—which actually is a representation of you and I—is in grave danger. 

And, guess what? The Lord won't just come to save you. Yes, he leaves the ninety-nine to save the one.  
He is always with you, actually, but it's when Sheepy bleats—when you cry out for help—that he'll come like a superhero to your rescue. With a flaming whip of loving rebuke—his shepherd rod/staff—as His super-suit. 
Ouch! More pain. But this time around the good pain. Hallelujah!

If you're in the doldrums of your spiritual life, I'll strongly advise that you take one day off of your life and just wait upon God with His Word. Start April, not with a silly prank, but with the guiding of the True Shepherd. 
This new month, keep the lesson of Psalm 23, not just in the memory store of your brain, but also in your heart and spirit. 
In so doing, April won't make you a fool, living by the world's foolish ways. April will be the unlocking of wells of wisdom for you to draw from and apply.

I guess that wraps it up. Thanks for reading, folks. If this blessed you in any way, why don't you let me know your thoughts in the comments section? I'll read and reply every single one of them. Your sincere response is my joy and it keeps me going. 

And you could share this with your friends too. That arrow doesn't bite. *Winks and grins*

Tell you what? Next blogpost will be bombastic, exquisite, out-of-this-world, and... 

...And I have absolutely no idea what to write about. But hey, it's why I've got sweet HS. 

* For newbies on this blog, HS is the pet name/short form for my Bestie, the Holy Spirit. He is also, the co-author and central figure of this blog. You'll always see Him here. 

I am PeculiarPraise, God's voice to the nations. 
Love y'all. ❤️


  1. I love your write-up πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
    God bless you sis ☺

    1. Awwn. Thanks. It's all glory to God. Hope to see more of you.

  2. Nice word, just as it was described that the word of God is like a double edge sharped sword cutting through the heart even if it was as hard as a rock. I'm inspired, more grace

    1. Hmmm. I can't agree less. The Word of God is indeed powerful. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. It means a lot.

  3. Just wow, Your writings are requisite, more grace ma'am.

    1. Wow! I'm blown away. All glory to HS. AMEN. Thanks to you too for reading and commenting.

  4. Looks like our peculiar Praise has brought some peculiar insight! You go gurl!!

    1. Hey Cookie. Glad to see you here again. It all comes from our peculiar Abba. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

  5. This is so wonderful, I've never seen anyone putting it so plainly, no wonder you are peculiar. God bless you and your pen.

    1. Hi sis. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment. You're special too. ❤️❤️❤️

  6. I love your poem so much! Thank you my friend and Christian Sister.

    1. Awwwnnnn... Thank you. Glad to know you were bles by it.

  7. Amazing words of encouragement and wisdom.

  8. Wow, now I don't feel so bad that I missed the chance to fool someone this year

  9. Hmm... Momma has done it again
    You've made me see April fool's in a new light
    Thank you for sharing this
    I was just about to prank someoneπŸ˜…

  10. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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