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Heaven Rejoices; Hell Rages; Jesus Is Alive!

Happy Easter Sunday, folks. 

Glory to Jesus! Our Saviour is risen! Death could not defeat Him. Hallelujah!

Thanks for visiting this blog on this great day that commemorates the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Your presence here has made my Easter celebration a lot more brighter. I want you to know that you are a specially crafted handiwork of Gof and it was because of you that Jesus died and arose again.

I promised you guys something and I had to keep to my word.  
I know I suck at writing a rhyming poetry, but I tried to give it a shot. 
I hereby present to you my cringey, 'Easter-ish' poem. Read cautiously, yet meditatively. May the Lord open your eyes to see the spiritual implication of His resurrection. Amen.



Huff, puff, grunt, and growl,
The demon lord, Beelzebub, paces like a troll.

'Why, for all hell's sake, didn't our plan work?
I thought killing him would be the beginning of his mock.'

'Why, oh why, have we yet again failed?
I thought we already had him nailed.'

Pitter, patter, stomp, and stamp,
The demon lord's eyes blaze like a lamp.

'We are all aware that he did die,
He came down here, and not alone did he try.'

'All those traitor brothers came along,
Angels, putting us, like at the beginning, in the wrong.'

'He jerked the keys of Hades from my hand,
And put me in eternal chains, band by band.'

'Now, I don't even have a right over this jurisdiction,
How is it to be heard that a principality has no power of subjugation?'

'But that, in fact, is the least of my concerns,
What I fear is a repetition of patterns.'

'The ones I hate, the ones he replaced me with,
Those foolish, senseless, fickle waste of dust light as wheat,'

'Now have the freedom to waltz out of my den,
And even bruise my head in this glen.'

'No! I mustn't fall for the second time in a row,
No, no! I will never let them go.'

'Though redemption's price might have been paid, 
I will not allow them to be made,'

'At the feet of their Master.
Demons! Arise faster,'

'For we are going to reclaim,
Our territory, our domain,
our name.'

'We will not agree,
Till redemption is null and nil.'

May their plan not succeed over you and I in Jesus' name.


We're gonna look into the mysterious and supernatural things that happened after Jesus rose.

Have you ever wondered why it was after Jesus resurrected that angelic ministry became truly unlocked to believers?

Up till that moment, I don't think the disciples had ever seen an angel. If I am wrong, correct me o. 

Doesn't it seem cool to you that angels announced the birth of Jesus, and also announced His resurrection!

The account that got me laughing was the case of when the mighty angel of the Lord descended from Heaven to unroll the heavy stone covering the tomb where Jesus was. Another earthquake shook the earth. Those soldiers, who had most likely been part of the crew that killed Jesus, fell on their faces and were as dead men because of how scared they were (See Matthew 28:2-4). Bah! Payback time came at last.
After all picking up their trembling bodies, those weaklings went to report to the priests with their tails hidden in their butt. (Kai! If I was that angel ehn, I'd have given them a taste of my heavenly whip).
Those cunning Pharisees and Sadducees paid them a heavy bribe to lie that it was the disciples that came to steal his body. 
I'm like, 'Are you dumb or what?' This was a tightly sealed and heavily guarded tomb for Heaven's sake! And the burial clothes were neatly folded. For crying out loud! What thief is so calm enough to arrange the ruckus he caused at the site of his theft?

Another thing that fascinated me was that Jesus seemed to have a special love for gardens. I'm sure He still does; so get ready for garden picnics in Heaven! That's why God is referred to in scripture as the husbandman/gardener. 
He prayed several times in the garden of Gethsemane and was buried in a brand new sepulchre in a garden. He was given a high class burial! You'll notice how the women came early just to anoint His supposedly dead body with sweet spices. 

And the most emotional part was Mary Magdalene's persistence. This was a woman out of whom Jesus had cast out seven horrible demons. She was one of the few woman who stuck by, right from the moment Jesus was arrested, to his burial then to his resurrection. What a heart! 
I'm not surprised that she was the first person Jesus revealed Himself to, even before He ascended to present Himself to the Father. What a privilege! (See John 20:10-18)

A new development after Jesus' resurrection was that His new and glorified body seemed to manifest new supernatural powers. He could appear and disappear at will. Remember the times He showed up behind closed doors where the disciples where huddled for fear of the Jews? (See John 20:19) Or when He revealed Himself to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. (See Luke 24:13-31)
There's no better means of transportation, I tell you. Jesus, through His resurrection, not only shamed death, but also broke through the barrier of time and space. 

A final word:
Romans 8:11(KJV)
But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you.

This explains and validates how Jesus rose. That's my sweet HS! 

Alright guys. Thanks so much for reading this jumble to the end. I hope a word, a revelation, a poor attempt at making a joke touched your heart. 
I'll appreciate you spreading the word about this blog and blessing a soul by sharing the link. 

Let's talk, friend. Drop a comment before you go about what your view on Easter is, and how you're celebrating this Easter season.  




  1. Hallelujah! Jesus is alive! 💖❤️✨


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