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A Child-like Heart That God Loves

I should be nailed to a cross. Yes, literally. 

Before I embark on another long rant of how pathetic I am and before I begin to dump a pile of good-looking excuses for why I haven't blogged in such a long time on you, let me be respectable for once.

Who knows, I might have a newbie here, gracing and brightening this otherwise dark-themed web space. *Grins and waves* 
Oh, hi there, new fella!

Welcome to PeculiarPraise Hub, a place where you journey with a plain, regular girl and her super-exciting bestie (who she's well aware she doesn't deserve) who's she fondly calls HS (Short for Holy Spirit).

So, how have you been, my friend? 
How has life been treating you?

For me, I've been away from university (thanks to ASSU strike—Only Nigerian undergraduates in non-private higher institutions can relate), stuck at home where there's incessant power outage (thanks to NEPA—almost every living Nigerian can relate).
And I feel like I'm caught in a loop/cycle/repetitive routine.  

Off the record, and completely out of the radar of this blog:
I'm not a movie person, but once in a while, I indulge. 
Who else has seen this Chinese drama titled 'RESET'? My sis and I saw the first and second episode yesterday and we're hooked, like HOOKED! 

Can't deliver all the details (cos, duh, I'm not a spoiler), but it's about a girl and a guy stuck in a loop of death by an explosion/accident on a bus. 

Super complex and creepy too. *Cringes*
I just hope nothing of such ever happens to anyone real life.

The things the human mind is capable of imagining, ehn. 

I know, cos I write. 

The thrill of being able to create bend your unique world and cause your characters to pass through the most unbelievable circumstances is next to none. 

Also, I've been reading tons lately (I might go a bit cross-eyed soon). 

Don't worry y'all cos I love you, I should soon post a special blog on some super amazing Christian books, both fiction and non-fiction, that you cannot afford not to read.  
So, you guys should watch out for it.

I've also been surfing and commenting a lot on Wattpad (a free global writing and reading and networking app/website where I base most of my fiction works) lately. 
I do hope the law of he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully will also apply to my life, IJN! Amen ×3.

I've also been having completely amazing burst of ideas for books (crazy fiction ideas). 
But I keep looking at my present writing works and I weep at my slowness.

Also, today is Children's Day.
OMG! It's actually Children's Day! Haaaaa!!!
*Cries a bit, cos I realize I am gradually slipping away from that child-zone.*

Enough of my ranting. 
What I have to say today is very simple and very short. 

All that unnecessary preamble is actually a subtle trick to increase my word count and your stay time on this blog post. 
(Yeah, HS made me confess. The things he makes me do!)

My Dad said something recently. 
He said, 'there are two categories of children: unmarried children and married children.'

Given the circumstances of that statement (he was trying to justify the fact that he too was a child), I laughed my guts out. 

What does God say about children?

*Hands mic over to HS*

Suffer the little children to come unto me...

Except you become as little children, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven...

Out of the mouth of babes and suckling, I have ordained praise...

Children are the heritage of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is His reward...

As arrows in the hands of a mighty man...

The list goes on.

There's something God wants to bring our attention to. 

It's the fact that He LOOOOOOOVEEEEES children. Yup, stretch that 'L' word as far as you want and it still won't come close to how much God loves children.

Oh, don't fret if you're already growing old and sporting gray hair. 
It's actually the HEART of a child he's looking for. 

•A heart like David's that is not embarrassed to dance wildly with reckless abandon for him.

I believe most children don't give a damn what anyone says about how they express themselves. 
That explains why babies feel free to cry anywhere anytime. If you like, let it be in a holy cathedral or even the US capitol as the president of the most powerful country in the world is giving his speech. 
Pretty much also explains why most children don't feel shame when they're naked.

•A heart that will just want to spend time with Abba gazing at his face. 

Remember when you used to spend hours pestering Mom/Dad just because you wanted to count the pimples on his face or pull out all the hair in his nose...

•A heart that absorbs spanking and corrections so quickly. A heart that forgives so easily.

Beat a child now. One minute, he's back crawling all over you, wanting to play. 'Grudge' is not in a kid's dictionary.

•A heart that has is ever hungry and thirsty. 

Or was I the only one who as a child ate more than five times in a day? The good old days of biscuits and sweets. Kudos to all the parents out there.

•A heart that doesn't question everything but instead accepts everything that He says as the truth. 

By the way, who else remembers all those truth+lies we gobbled down as kids? Like the fear of angels making you blind if you open you eyes during prayer, the boogeyman, turning to goat if you pick something on the floor, the Santa Claus legend, the tooth fairy... 
Need I say more?
And if Daddy says the colour of the sky is green, not blue, then so be it.

•A heart that trusts that He can do all things. 

That's why children's prayers get quick answers. Because their faith is untainted. 

Remember those days when we believe that daddy can do anything and everything? 

In essence, what I'm trying to say is, would you rather be that child that will make God smile just at the thought of you, or will you rather be the self righteous, all knowing, old and wrinkled grown-up who feels too big for God?

Your choice. 

Where's that heavenly trampoline again? I wanna bounce. 

Just like Lawrence Oyor (a Nigerian gospel minstrel) sang, I repeat to my Heavenly Father:

My Daddy, my Daddy,
Your baby is singing,
I will be singing and dancing and shouting for the rest of eternity.

He he he... 

If you liked this post, why not share it to your friends and family this Children's Day as a gift? 
Make someone smile just as HS has made you smile. 

I'd love to hear a crazy experience of your childhood and what lesson God taught you or is teaching you through that. 

Spam the comment box. I love reading through your comments.

Till next time, I remain the sweetest and most adorable little princess of my Heavenly Daddy. 


  1. I'm so honored to be the first to comment 😁😁 I couldn't stop laughing oh especially the place where you wrote that 'daddy can do anything and everything',I was actually a victim of that. How I love being a child! 😅😅What a blessing to be a child of God. God bless you sis.🤠 This writeup actually lightened my day. Please for everyone who's reading, ensure you comment and express your mind.👌👌

  2. Wow

    Thank you PeculiarPraise

  3. This is wonderful

  4. This is such a beautiful write-up. Being a child of God is certainly a wonderful thing. Happy Children's Day!!!

  5. Thank you Sis for this beautiful write up even if I read it at night I am happy for that.

  6. Wow.... This is catchy... First time going through a blog😔😔(my bad). I actually saw your status on WhatsApp this morning and I was like let me quickly go and read too ooo🤦 and I must it really worth the time. I love writing and I need to to also start putting it into work but the fear of...(you understand nah). Wow thank you for the write up. God bless you sis

    1. Hello dear, i don't know who you are but thank you. And I do hope you'll get to your writing soon. God bless you.

  7. Beautiful piece peculiar,your a wonderful writer.I want to be a baby for my father😍😍

  8. Thank you for this post sis

  9. Thank you for this ma💜💜


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