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A New Beginning!

*Squeals excitedly* Happy birthday to me!

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of another new year. 

Yep! June 11 is officially one of the most blessed days in the entire year, just because that's the day I was born (no kidding).

Face reveal! 
For my newbie friends who don't know me. Yeah, you earned it, guys. 

PS: Ask anyone who knows me. I don't like snapping pictures. Most of my pics are centuries old. But hey, it's my birthday. Feast your eyes on this rare phenomenon. This might not happen in the next 1000 galactic light years

When a royal Princess lands in the building, everyone is spell-bound. 

When I was kid, I wanted to grow up real fast so I could rule the world and be anything I wanted. 
Adults were gods and goddesses in my naive eyes. Who else can relate?

But should I be honest and tell you how I feel right now? 

Confused. A little bit scared. Because honest, I'm getting closer to the afternoon part of my life (Thanks, Dad, for the 'MAN'—Morning Afternoon Night—lecture). 

In other words, as hard as I try to deny it, I'm getting old. And I feel like I haven't even found my bearing in life, not to talk of achieving anything worthwhile.

Social media makes it worse. Seriously, that's one of the reasons I am not so keen on social media (cue the dramatic eye roll from readers cos hey, who is ranting here on google blogger about her life?). 
It's mostly a world of lies but has a very persuasive way to make one feel guilty. 

I mean, (I'm guilty of this too at times, thanks to the network marketing business I promote religiously), they'll post a screenshot of earnings in six figures and tell you that it was attained by a 15-year-old boy and I'm like, "God, what am I doing with my life like this?" 

And that's only on WhatsApp o!
I can't begin to think of the trauma that those on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc go through daily in terms of the addiction-syndrome and the time and data wasted there. 

Me ehn, it's until an angel of the Lord descends, wings and lightning and all, with specific instructions from Heaven before I even consider getting out of my cocoon of WhatsApp. 

Just exaggerating, but honestly, the prospects of venturing out there scares me. 
I mean, how do you all survive?

It's easy to feel pressured and a bit overwhelmed in today's world. 

Especially if you're like me and you're the first born of the family. 
*Fist bumps all the first borns in the building.*
In fact, we're really trying. 

But whether I like it or not, I'm X+1 years today. Nothing can reverse that. 

My consolation is that I have Jesus and He is all that matters. 

My real goals for this new chapter of my life are rather personal, having been drafted in the secret place. 

However, I'm going to give you a glimpse so at least I'll know I'm accountable to everyone who see this. 

1. A living breathing red-hot relationship with Abba. 

Yeah, you know, the kind where you look at me and my bestie (HS) just whispers all your hidden secrets to me *Laughs manically.* 

Or, I walk into the room and all the demons begin to shriek and run (Yeah, my angelic bodyguards will take care of them. They can't stand the heat). 

Or I worship and supernatural things happen. 

He he he... Don't look at me like you just saw me eating a frog. 

Don't be surprised either if I begin to manifest those things soon enough. 
Watch out world.

2. Become more consistent with writing. 
Yup, starting with this blog and my stories on Wattpad. 

Gosh, I have like, what... 100 story ideas flying in my brain or lying in my Docs as uncompleted drafts. I'm coming for you my babies. 

3. Eat and sleep healthier. Not that I don't, but on my dad's observation, the rate at which I consume my brain's glucose with reading is alarming. Plus, garri and sugar has become my own coffee. And staying up late to read??? 
Somebody save me.  

2. Design, design, design. 
Is it CAD/BIM mastery (My archi crew, are you there? Give a thumbs up emoji in the comments if yes, or else I'll cry), graphics design (planning to master Pixellab, crack Canva and then progress to the almighty world of photoshop) and my weekly sketching goal (cos duh, I won't become the next Zaha Hadid by sipping juice and binge-reading Ted Dekker's series). 

4. The new things I wanna learn. 

•French language. Don't even ask me why. Blame it on boredom induced by the ASSU strike. 

•Piano. My brother, Precious, has been forming big boy and wouldn't teach me, at least not for free. 

•Vocal training. This one comes and goes. Do, a deer, a female dear...

•Driving. Yeah, I've already come of age and I've been pestering my dad and even trying to riskingly learn it on my own—that's how desperate I am. Dut is it that Pops is scared or what? Daddy, I'll be good. 

By the way, nobody should come and disturb me to give them cake o. I'm fasting... 

Ehn, fasting ke? We've reserved today for the highest heights of delicacy. Come and join me jare. Passes virtual cake and drinks around. 

Thanks for reading my rant, guys. Y'all have made my day. 

Apologies to my non-Nigerian friends who might not understand some of the slangs I used. 

For all my peeps who would love reading short stories and poems, I recently published an anthology on Wattpad, It's titled: 'THE SWORD AND KEY'. 
Make sure you check it out. 

Alright, I think that's long enough. 
Thanks for reading this blog post. Leave your comments and gifts too. 

Watch out for the new upgraded version of PeculiarPraise! 💖


  1. Happy birthday to you 🎂🎉

  2. Happy birthday more grace and greatness upon you in Jesus name

    1. Amen o. Thanks so much dearie. I appreciate this. 😁😁😁

  3. Wonderful piece, sis♥
    I hope God give you the grace to fulfil all your goals you've lined up.

    1. Amen o. Thanks so much for the prayers. 🥰🥰🥰

  4. Akintunde GoodnessJun 11, 2022, 11:32:00 AM

    Happy birthday Abraham Praise. Wishing you a fulfilled new year, grace, mercy, favour and strength. May the joy of the Lord be your strength. To my able "Head girl", happy to hear you are excelling. We meet up high IJN. Long life and prosperity

  5. Awwwnnn.... Thanks so much Bro. Amen to all your prayers. 🙏🙏🙏 I do appreciate this. Yes o. We'll meet at the top in Jesus' name. 😁😇


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