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The Easiest Formula To Love Reading

Hey there, buddy! You're welcome once again to this divine hub. Make yourself at home.

If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I love reading. 
It on my top list of things I can do even if I'm on the verge of dying. 

I'm not trying to boast. In fact I say this with all sense of humility, because I wasn't always like this. 
And besides what have I to be proud of? I have some friends who read far way way beyond what I do. Those are the real bookworms. 

So, a lot of my friends have been asking me to tell them the secret formula to easy and enjoyable reading. 
And I thought, why not make it into a blog?

Amazingly, in this generation there's a whole lot of information out there. 
The Bible says that in the end times, knowledge shall increase. 
Ecclesiastes 12:12 (KJV) And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

Hear what Apostle Paul said to his mentee:
2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 
1 Timothy 4:13 (KJV) Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.

And guess why Daniel was a genius of his time? He read wide. 
Daniel 9:2 (KJV) In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

And hey, God definitely loves books too. That's why Jesus is called the Word. That's why we have the Bible.

In fact, I strongly believe there is an infinite library in Heaven because Revelations tells us that books will be opened (See Revelations 20:12). 

I've have told God several times to reserve my spot there. 
My Heavenly mansion must be both close to the library and the throne room. 
Yes o. What a blissful eternity it will be to forever read in Abba's delightful presence!

Sadly, many people have a wrong mindset about reading. 
It all starts from the foundation. 

Many children have been brought up to see reading as a punishment instead of a gift.
Many associate reading with the pain of exams and tests. Many fall asleep or begin to feel strangely tired when they struggle to pick up a book to read. 

In fact, there's this saying that if you want to hide any thing from a black man, keep it in a book.  

How do you move from that aversion level to a whole new plane of loving books?

The first thing you want to do is define your WHY and make it a strong one. 
Why am I reading this book? Is it to make a top grade and badge the genius award at the end of your school session? Is it to gain new knowledge that will give you an edge above others? Is it to just enjoy and relax? 
Keep your eyes set on your why and let it propel you forward.

Second on the list, read majorly WHAT you enjoy. 
What gives you much joy to read?
For me it's my Bible and any supernatural Christian fiction book. Hand me those and I can go for days without eating. Sue me. 

This next one is a really tricky one. WHEN and WHERE is the best time for you to read?
Early in the morning? In the afternoon? In a library? In a noisy park or classroom?

Don't ask me for specific advice, my dear. I can read anywhere anytime, even in the toilet. Ha ha. 
So, just discover yourself through trial and error and stick with what works best for you.

HOW are you reading? 
Are you just pouring over the words and letting them slip by you without thinking about what they mean? Are you asking questions?

Have this special formula of attaching reading to a delightful sensation. In Biology, this is called Behavioural Conditioning and was discovered by the Russian Psychologist, Ivan Pavlov. 
If you like a particular music, let it play in the background as you read. 
If you like a special kind of candy or tea, indulge in it as you read. 
Try the Pomodoro method. This works well for heavy-duty, long stretches of studying. 
Simply, it means concentrating on reading for 25 minutes and then give yourself a 5 minute break.

Challenge yourself and set goals. 
This works best if you have a support/accountability system. You can join a book club or meet with a friend who you know is a book lover. This will push you to attain your reading goals. 

I can't exhaust all the methods I know to help you fall in love with reading. But...
I've got great news for you guys. It's a special gift for all who would be interested in making the most of this reading of a thing. 

I've just published a new guide on Wattpad that goes into deeper explanation of what reading entails. It's titled THE MAGIC OF BOOKS
Some special things that will be features there include: How to read fast, What to do when you don't feel like reading but you have to read, And many more... 

You can even make request for topics you want addressed and ask any questions you may have in this interactive book. 
Go check it out now. You'll be glad you did. 

In my next post coming up soon, I'll be recommending some good Christian books you should definitely read.

Thanks for reading this blog. 

What has been your experience with reading? Do you love reading? Detest it? Are you ready to up your reading ability before this year runs out?
Let me know in the comments section. 

Till we meet again in this hub, give attention to books. 

Your girl, currently curled up, reading yet another book,


  1. Awesome, thank you

  2. Thank you. Very much.

  3. I will like to up my reading.
    Thanks for this blog. God bless you. I really enjoyed myself. It came at the right time I needed it.

  4. Thanks for this blog post my secret celebrity author (you won't find me out) going to dig into this yet another book of yours....I'm ready to up my reading game and I like this biblical analysis of reading it goes a long way to command my reading senses, reading is now a command and not some random activity done any by choice, thank againšŸ„°

  5. Thanks so much girl
    God bless you

  6. Thank you so much sis.
    God bless you


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