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Top Book Recommendations For Christians

Hello there, book lovers. 
In the previous blog post, How to fall in love with reading, I promised I'd be tipping you guys on some amazing books you definitely have to read as a Christian. These books have the potential to shake you and completely change you. 

The good thing is that you can download these books for free online websites like or


•God's Generals by Robert Liardon
This is a collection of biographies of great men and women that God used to work wonders and mighty revival in the church. The collection includes: the revivalists, the healing evangelists, the roaring reformers, Africa's generals, Why they succeeded and some failed.

•Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan. 
This is a classic allegory/parable sort of book. Tells the story of a man named Christian who went on a journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City, with my obstacles and adventures on the way.
The original version is in King James type of English, but you can find many easy-to-read versions online. I've seen the illustrated version (i.e. with pictures), the comic version, and it has even been adapted into animation and movies. 
What's more? The book has a continuing sequel titled Pilgrim's All which tells the story of Christian's wife and kids who also decided to follow the same path as their father. 

•God Chasers by Tommy Tenny
I love this books so much and have read it several times. It will help to fire up your desire for God. Another powerful book by the same author which you should check out is God's Favourite House.

•Pursuit of God by AW Tozer
Another classic Christian book that had me in tears when I first read it. Want to know how to lay hold of God? Then this book is a must read for you.

•The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. 
If you need direction and clarity of your God-ordained purpose in life, then this book will simply and clearly tell you how.


#Christian supernatural/paranormal fiction.
This is my best fiction genre and the authors I recommend are the some of the best in the game that I have discovered. I can't mention all I have in my personal library or the ones I've read, but you can explore yourself. You won't be disappointed. 

•This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness by Frank Peretti
Where the spiritual battle is evident and the power of prayer for victory is revealed.

•The Circle Series by Ted Dekker 
(White, Red, Black, Green)
A man crosses into an alternate reality in the future where the spiritual can be seen, and now he must save his 'real world' from a deadly pandemic, Raisin Strain. It's a mix of fantasy, thriller and supernatural.

•Ancient Forces Series by Bills Myers 
A brother and sister whose father died as a missionary move with their mother to a new city. There they must face many spiritual temptations and battles that have life and death consequences. Quite fascinating and relatable for young people.

•Chronicles of Brothers Series by Wendy Alec.
(The Fall of Lucifer, Messiah: the First Judgement, Son of Perdition, A Pale Horse, End of Days)
You'll never see the idea of the devil's reasons and mode of operation the same way again.

•The Watcher & The Warrior by Mark Andrew Olsen. 
A girl named Abbey Sherman suddenly develops the Sight—an ability to see into the spiritual realm. Now her life is in danger and she must save her world from a nuclear holocaust. The major reason I love this book is because the author set the story in different parts of the world, including my beloved Nigeria. So epic.

#Christian romance
The pure love of God is one of the realest things that holds the universe. 
Instead of feeding your flesh with steamy romance/erotic novels of the world, why not see at the God-kind of love through the writings of these amazing authors?

•Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
If you haven't heard of Francine Rivers, raise up your hand; oya come a chop your cane! Her books are dope. Majorly set in historical world, but it'll be as if you're living out the experience for yourself.

•Beautiful Wings by Itunu Taiwo
Okay, so, this is the first Nigerian book I am mentioning. E get why o. This story is a powerful and unique one that helps to guage whether our love for God outweighs our love for man or not. Ladies, read this one ooo.

If you're really interested in enjoying some more really cool Christian fiction, I recommend you follow me Wattpad. 
Just search for my username @PeculiarPraise on the platform. 
There on my profile, you'll see and have access to my public reading list, where I have compiled and grouped all the best masterpieces by hidden gems that God is using to write in the online space called Wattpad. 
So, head over and give me a follow if you haven't already.

Have you read some of these books I recommended? I'd like to know which ones. 

What Christian book(s) have you read or are you reading now that is so interesting or life-transforming. Please I also need recommendations o.  

God bless y'all. Feel free to share this post.

Until next time, 


  1. Amazing collection. God bless you abundantly for putting these together.

  2. Wonderful compilation, where can I get some of these?

  3. Amazing collection, sis!!! I might just read 'Beautiful Wings'🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  4. Great collections. Thanks for the good work. I've read all the books in the non-fiction list. But none in the fiction list. Maybe because I'm more of a realistic personal. I hope to give fictional books a trial. Smiles.


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