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©2023 by Praise Abraham

Victoria felt her heart thudding like a ping-pong ball as she stared up at the fancy hotel. 

"I'm not a sinner. This is strictly professional," she muttered to herself. 

"Daughter, it's not too late to turn back now," the calm voice of the Spirit whispered to her. 
She hesitated and shook off the guilt gnawing at her. 

"Please, don't ruin tonight for me. It's just a professional event that my boss asked me to accompany him to."

"He's been hitting on you since forever, Victoria. Remember, I placed you in that company not to be overwhelmed by the darkness there but to be a light, especially for Lakunle."

"I know God, and you also know I've been doing my best. It's just that wisdom is profitable to direct. This is a chance for me to be promoted to the highest level if I'm able to pitch to and nail top clients."

"Hmmm, I see... What are you wearing, Victoria?"

She cringed as she looked down at the dress she was wearing. It was a too-fitting, extra-glittery, slit-to-the-thigh, and cleavage-exposing wine dress-not her usual style. 
Her boss had 'obligatorily' purchased it for her under the auspices of company policy-he couldn't afford her messing up their chance at hooking a big contract because of her signature Holy Mary dressing. 

"It's- it's not that bad," she stuttered in her mind. "Honestly God, can't you just take a chill pill for once?"

"Why are you returning to your vomit, beloved? This is not what I have planned for you. Don't head into destruction."

"I have waited long enough for you to come through for me, Lord. I desperately need the raise. My younger brother will be kicked out of school soon because of the fees he owes, my dad has debts to pay and mom's business is crumbling, my rent is long overdue..."

"Do you think they'd be proud with what you're bent on doing?"

"I'm sorry. It's only this once, I promise."

The Spirit went silent. Her heart went numb as she sighed and perfunctorily walked into the lavish hall. 

"Ah, Victoria, I'm glad you could make it," her boss, clad in a three-piece Armani suit, said with a roguish smile. "Come, let me introduce you to some of our prospective clients."

Lakunle Adele was Victoria's secret achilles heels. A devastatingly handsome playboy, he was the son of the founder of Mega Reels, the international trade company where she worked. Simply put, he was her daily temptation. 

He placed his possessive hand on the small of her back and led her forward. "You look stunning, by the way."

She tried to smile, not grimace. This was going to be a long night.

Throughout the event, she was uptight due to the way Lakunle smothered her. She did her best to concentrate on proving her competence as his personal assistant as she interacted with their prospective clients. 

The dinner was supposed to end by 10 pm. It was almost 12 am and still her boss showed no sign of leaving soon.

He came to sit opposite her where she was perched on a sofa. 
"Nice job so far, Victoria. You look tense. Take this and loosen up a bit," Lakunle said, placing a glass of champagne on the table. 

She shook her head. "I don't drink, sir."

"What do you mean? It's just harmless red wine."

"I'm okay, sir." She wouldn't take chances. "When are we leaving?"

He frowned. "Anytime soon," he answered curtly. 
As he stood up, he spilled the drink and it poured all over her dress. 

"Oh no, I'm so sorry." 
He attempted to wipe the drink off, grazing her skin. She politely brushed him off and stood. 

"It's no problem. I'll just go freshen up. This dress is too expensive to be soiled." She glanced around. "Where is the bathroom?"

"Come, let me show you the way."

As they walked through a deserted hallway that led to the conveniences, Victoria felt uneasy and self conscious. 

"Thank you, sir," she said when they got to the door marked 'Female'.

"You're welcome." 

He didn't leave, though. He stared at her with desire in his eyes till she felt the hair on her arms rise. 

He leaned in and all her senses were screaming for her to run. But her flesh was weak.

When their lips met, she felt a rush of blood to her head. After few seconds of fleeting pleasure, she felt deflated, ashamed of herself. 
"What have I done?" 
She broke the kiss with a gasp. 

"I'm sorry, sir," she said, breathless. She looked everywhere but his face. 

"Victoria, it's okay. I've always wanted you to be mine." He leaned closer and began to caress her cheeks for another kiss. 

Her knees buckled. But she knew this was an outright sin.
"No, sir," she managed to say in a trembling voice. "I have to leave."

His grip on her arm tightened. She looked into his eyes and saw something sinister lurking behind those dark orbs of his. Alarm rose in her. 

"Don't call me sir. You're not going anywhere," he said in a low, calculating voice.

He opened the door of the Ladies and shoved her in roughly. Then, he locked the door and tossed the key aside. 

Tears poured out of her eyes as the realization of what he was about to do hit her.

"Please, sir. Don't do this. For God's sake. I'm a virgin."

He grinned. "That makes this even more interesting."

"God, please, I'm sorry. Please save me."

She realised then how foolish she was. She had toyed with sin and grieved the Holy Spirit. Now she was trapped. All she was begging for was a second chance. 

As Lakunle's hands began to fondle her, she tried to scream but he clamped her mouth shut with his hand. Besides, the convenience was too far from the main hall. No one would hear her.

Suddenly, the sound of distant gun shots began. Screams rose from the main hall. Victoria became even more afraid, but Lakunle wouldn't quit what he was hell bent on doing.

Within seconds, an armed man in a mask burst into the toilet and harshly ordered them out. Lakunle froze and cursed under his breath. He scrambled off her. 
Victoria breathed a cry of relief and thanks for the rescue from rape. But she was unprepared for what was coming next.

Out in the main hall, the robbers were terrorising the rich, forcing them to empty their accounts into an anonymous Swiss Account, and kill off those who resisted. 

Lakunle was called up next. 

"God, what have I gotten myself into?" Victoria thought, weeping. "Lord, I don't know if you can still forgive such a wretched girl as I am! Send deliverance. Send your help again in Jesus' name." 


Her heart leaped on hearing the Spirit's voice again. 
"Abba! I'm so sorry. I was stupid and foolish."

"You're forgiven. But I want you to do something."

"What's that?"

"Lay down your life."

"Uh? What do you mean?"

Victoria refocused on what was currently happening in the hall. She saw Lakunle resisting the men and dread washed over her as she slowly understood what God was asking of her. 

As one of the robbers pulled the trigger of his gun aimed at Lakunle, she sprang up and jumped in front of him. 

The impact and pain she felt knocked the breath out of her. She heard the shout of alarm from her boss. 

Just as she hit the floor she began to hear the sirens of police vehicles from a distance. 
Everything went dark.


Indescribable pain flooded her left arm and her eyes slowly fluttered open. She grunted and tried to sit up. 

"Where am I?"she thought, glancing at white walls and a beeping monitor beside her.

"You're awake! I'll go get the doctor." 
It was Lakunle. He looked distressed. 

"What happened?"

"You took a bullet to your left shoulder."

"Oh!" The events of the night before flooded her heart. 

Awkward silence seeped into the hospital ward.

"Why did you do that? I wronged you. I was determined to abuse you, but you took a bullet for me... Why?" Lakunle asked, his eyes betraying his perplexion.

"I was also once a sinner, and I almost fell into sin again, but He gave me forgiveness. I thought I could, you know, be the tool he'd use to give you a second chance from death."

"That's weird. But thank you," he said then paused. "I'm so sorry for what I tried to do to you. I wasn't thinking straight." 

"It's all in the past. Just know that Jesus loves you and wants to give you a better life. He gave His life for you."

He bowed his head, contemplating. 
"It can't be that easy. You don't know the things I've done. Your Jesus would never want me."

"I'm a first hand testimony that that isn't true. I'm the worst sinner there is but He still loves me."

"It's hard to say this, but I crave what you have. This peace, this confidence that made you so willing to die in my place. Can you please show me the way?" 

With a smile on her lips and joy singing in her heart, she said led him in the sinner's prayer. 

"Wow!" he said afterward, smiling. "I feel... so light, so loved. Thank you for this opportunity, Victoria."

"The glory is all God's," she said, beaming and thanking God in her heart. 

"I'd be proud to have you work with me as my assistant general manager."

Wow! The promotion she'd been slaving for on a platter of gold. God was too good!

The Spirit's voice came almost immediately. 
"Well done, daughter. But your work here is done."

She felt deflated, understanding what God was asking of her.
But having now come to realize that it paid to trust and obey His voice, she didn't hesitate. 

With a sad smile, she looked at Lakunle and said, "I'd have to humbly refuse the offer, sir. I'll no longer be working with you."

The look of confusion on his face made her heart constrict. He watered up the offer a notch but she didn't budge. She was not going to fall into her former errors again. Even if it caused her momentary pain, she'd choose to just obey Him.


Author's note: Many times we think we are smarter than God and try to excuse our sins. We compromise. But, beware, the sting of sin is waiting. 
Have you fallen away already due to your stubbornness? God can still restore you. Just go to Him sincerely now. 
For questions or testimonies, kindly reach out to me here.


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