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Birthday Poem: Of Beginnings, Middles and Ends

This is a poem I wrote in celebration of the two eventful decades your girl, PeculiarPraise, has spent on earth. 
This is the story of the initial beginning, current middle and projected end of a girl whose life's trajectory is still being determined by the One who called her His.  

In the beginning, 
A foetus was conceived,
Some might say in the belly of a woman,
But Truth says in His hands. 

She emerged into the outside world, bawling in trepidation, 
A crawl, fall and walk later,
She grows steadily, day by day. 

But then came the enemy, 
Tricky and deceitful as always, 
He raised his head and whispered,
Almost drowned the girl in despair and lies.

In the middle,
She is swamped with confusion,
Her eyes are clouded with tears unshed.

She goes one last time, goes to the One many recount have helped them,
Her One last hope.

Indeed, he sweeps her life into bliss,
Even though the definition of that bliss is sacrifice and the cross.

Still, she knows this is true freedom,
More than anything she could have imagined while she squirmed in bondage. 

A resolution descends upon her, 
She would never trade this bliss for anything else. 

In the end,
When time fades into oblivion, 
When the world of this girl recedes to a finale.

She will take into account all her actions and words,
She will see the face of her One true love,

She will see his warm smile and hear his voice say, welcome home. 
And she shall reign with Him forever. 

Happy birthday to me.
Abba's voice to the nations. 


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