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Christian Non-fiction Book Review: Maximising Your Twenties

Hello, dear friend! How has life been? Insightful and productive, I hope. 
Today, I bring to you the very first non-fiction book to be featured in our book review series! 

If you are about to enter your twenties (like a certain somebody writing this blog) or are already in your twenties but are stuck about life, then this book is for you. 

Let's unveil the curtain, shall we?

Honestly, I'm 100% sure that the title itself alone is captivating enough for anyone who is within that age range. 
I mean, this is a pivotal point in a person's life when he or she doesn't want to be caught up in errors or mistakes. It dawns on you that time is fast slipping by and when you stumble across a book whose title alone exudes the promise of being a guide on how best you can maximise this book, then I must say, who wouldn't jump at the offer? 

My, my, what beauties. I love the exquisite design of the book cover, another strong attraction point for me. The coolness of the cover colour choice and fonts shows that the design was professionally and thoughtfully executed. 
We see the background picture of a delicate green plant that is budding, alluding to the fact that this book is aimed at an audience in their budding youthful age. 


There are a lot of questions in your mind right now, and you are looking for answers to them.

That's a mark that you'll be a successful person. Successful people are always in the quest for knowledge on how to become better and they put those knowledge together to get results.

There's an old saying, 'As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.'
The period of your twenties is a time when you have the privilege of laying a proper foundation for your life if you must enjoy the rest of it.

In the quest to make a solid foundation for your life, you ask questions like, 'What can I do about my life?' 'How can I start being intentional?' 'Who should I be in a relationship with?' 'Can my mistakes ever be fixed?' 'How best can I handle the pressure from family and friends?' 'Who can I pour my heart to?' 'What's the way out of the mess I'm in now?' And many others.

If you're handling this book right now, congratulations. Finally, you've got all the answers to your questions.

This book is written in a friendly way that you can easily relate to alongside life experiences that you can learn from to guide you in living a beautiful life.

Esther Avosuachi Owuda is a Registered Teacher with TRCN, a writer, an author, an SDGs Ambassador, Entrepreneur and a Humanitarian.

She is a resolute young Nigerian who has a keen passion for empowering other young individuals to break out from whatever is seen or thought to be a limitation and thereby living a limitless life. She also ensures she sees a transformational change in her community and Africa at large through volunteerism.

She advocates for a world where everyone can become who they really should be and also hopes for a future that is void of limiting beliefs, negative self-image, depression and spiking suicide rates.

To get her message to as many people as possible, she engages her talents and utilizes the channels of teaching, public speaking, writing, volunteering and campaigning.

She is actively involved in several local and international organizations.
She is the founder and CEO of Leaving Limits Network (LLN), the past Program Manager of Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), Edo State Hub, a member of Gift a Child Initiative (GACI), Young Professionals Forum (YPF), Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations (CONGOs) and also works with Global Women for Quality and Sustainable Development Initiative (GWSD) and The Challenge Initiative Nigeria (TCI).

She has been featured in different Media stations in Nigeria such as NTA, EBS, ITV, AIT, BRONZE FM, VIBES FM and some others.

She is a lover of God and a believer in Christ who strongly holds to her Faith.

She loves networking with new people and you can connect with her through her social media handles.


I came across this book when an acquaintance of mine reposted an ad about the book on her status. 
I have read it twice and honestly, each time it feels more like an intimate conversation with someone who understands rather than just another random self-help book.

Trust me, this book is Spirit-breathed and aligned with God's will. 

In about 50 pages and 10 concise chapters, the author does a marvellous job of giving hope to young people that they can be the best God intended them to be. The topics of discussion range from mentorship to relationships, to handling and managing pressures and mistakes. 

To get access to your e-copy of the book, click this link this link to access it on selar.
Nonetheless, this isn't a book you'd want to miss out on because, apart from what you're reading here, there have been powerful reviews and testimonials from people opportune to have read the book. 

That's it for today. I hope you enjoyed this review. Kindly share the blog with your friends who you know will benefit from it. Drop a comment too to let me know if this is something you've been silently wanting and God has now answered your prayers. 

Till next time, happy reading. 


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