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Christian Novel Review: Grey Lake

Hello dear friend! It's your girl, PeculiarPraise, again and I'm super excited about this book review. 

The novel I have today is by an author whose books are super amazing!
And trust me when I say she didn't disappoint. Not one bit. This story won my heart and I'm sure it will yours too. 

Grey Lake
This particular title is very intriguing. It pulls one in, doesn't it? At first glance, one can tell it is a metaphor of sorts. 

When I thought of it, why Grey Lake? A lake is supposed to be a calm body of water, right? But then, grey represents a storm, foreboding, an unexpected discolouration of the clear waters. Honestly, that metaphor captures the scope of the story perfectly. 

Book Cover

We see a couple in a lovely  embrace.
Nothing suggestive. It's simple and pure in a way. 
And gosh, the people used were very close to the picture I had in my head of the characters in the story. As in, aren't they mouth-wateringly fine and cute together?
One thing I know for sure is that anyone who fancies clean romance will be captivated just by the book cover alone. 


The journey of a Christian couple begins with a significant turning point. Their faith is unbending and so is the storm that rises against them on this journey. Will they survive or will they succumb to the havoc of this tempest that has risen against them?


The male lead is Nonso, the handsome, Spirit-led, Igbo man. 

The female lead is Temisan, the Jesus baby who is helplessly in love with the bone of her bone, Nonso and who eventually married him. 

The antagonist (at first glance) is Patricia, a seductive lady who I think is just an annoying pest. 

Plot and Setting 

This is a Nigerian story, so that tells you the setting scope.  

The romance between Nonso and Temisan, and their love for God was breathtaking. I love their sync in the Spirit. The way they had each other's spiritual backs while at the same time were romantic with a sense of humour had me squealing and giggling to myself as I read. 

This book had me in tears so many times and in prayers for my life. 
I recommend this book to every Christian who is in a relationship and who hopes to marry someday. And also for every believer who desires to walk in the supernatural. 

I wouldn't want to give any spoilers, but I'd like to say a few things that stood out to me from this story:

* True love is sacrifice and forgiveness and trust. True love, sealed in Christ, is real.

* Sometimes God will ask you to do seemingly foolish and outrageous things. Obedience is key. 

* Signs and wonders are still happening. You just have to attain a level of intimacy with God to walk in it. 

* Mercy speaks over judgment. 

* Prayer!!! Pray in the Spirit. 

* In line with Victoria Orenze's song, "Who dey your back?" 

One major thing that endeared this story to me is that it made the supernatural so real. Jesus appeared to Nonso at specific times to give him specific instructions about his purpose. Dead people were raised to life. Temisan saw visions many times. It was every trope and twist I loved wrapped in one book. 

About the Author

Damilola Babs is a Drama Minister, Content Creator, and Creative Writer with a mandate to bring up kingdom-minded creatives who have the same vision of seeing Christians enjoy deep knowledge, and prosperity through books.

She is the founder of Reflection Theatre where we reflect Christ in all we do and share interesting Christian stories that are inspiring and beautiful.

She is also a Christian Filmmaker who believes that this channel is also effective for preaching the gospel and reaching the larger world.

She studied English and Literary Studies Education at Kogi State University where she graduated with flying colours years back.

Currently, she attends Wisdom Christian Center Church, Ibadan, and is an active chorister and drama minister there.

She hopes to do more for the kingdom even as she continues to push her purpose through the help of God with her writings and movies.

Follow her on her social platforms
Facebook: Damilola Babs
Instagram: Dhamilola_Babs
Twitter: Dee Babs

How to get the book:
You can grab your free copy of this novel here

I will love to hear your testimonies after you're done reading. 
Let me know if you have read the book already and what's your take on it in the comments section. 

Check out the book review of My Name is Osun but I'm not a goddess by the same author.

Off to the next book, 
Your girl, PeculiarPraise,
Abba's voice to the nations. 


  1. The review alone sef makes me want to read the novel๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    You did well momma


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