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Christian Fiction Review: Being Mrs Stevens

Hey, dear friends and newbies! I'm glad to be back with another juicy book review to share with you. 

Today, I present to you my latest Christian fiction conquest: Being Mrs Stevens.

Let's go straight into the real deal about this book. 

Title and Book Cover
The cover was so attractive and chastely romantic too. It displays a happy couple beaming and holding each other dearly, faces close together. *Fans self and swoons.  

The title wasn't too catchy, I must confess, but it all starts to make sense when you actually read the story. 
This was such a unique and beautiful retelling of the bible story of Naomi and Ruth, although not obvious at all at the beginning. 

About the Book

Nikita Edoho’s only goal was to graduate from the university. But when she was paired with Sammie Stevens for their final year projects, she found herself introduced to the world of The Stevens.
With it came joy and pain. And an obsession to keep a legacy alive.
Naomi Stevens battled with depression and PTSD. She had lived with the trauma of raising a sick son who spent all his life in the shadows of death. But she was about to make a shocking discovery that would shatter her entire life. She must have faith, as she faced what was left of her miserable life.
Jesse Stevens had it all together until a random stranger crawled into his private suites. He must abandon his own ambition and fight for her to achieve hers.
Readers' Reviews 

“Being Mrs Stevens” is a contemporary romance and medical thriller, a delicate weave of love, strength, passion, healing, faith, and redemption. A great storyline, unpredictable, and intriguing to the end.”
"... interesting, intriguing and more ..." 
"... intriguing all the way. Nice plot ..."... love all parts of the story, looking forward to more ..."

Personal Take 
Honestly, before everything clicked in my head that this was the story of Naomi and Ruth in the Bible, I was already in the middle of the story. What even made it so obvious was that the name Naomi was retained for the mother-in-law. 

I like the fact that the story was set in Nigeria. Cheers to that. The setting and descriptions were top-notch. 

Also, another thing that caught my attention was that it was obvious from the outset that the author is a medical savvy person, given the detailed descriptions of the hospital scenes and medical terminologies. 

At a point in the story, the book was giving mafia vibes and I was like ooh, that's new. The secrets and unexpected twists were so mind-blowing that I couldn't pry my eyes away from the book. 

Heads up, this is a Christian romance story. Of course, I had some reservations about the kissing scenes, though they were in no way explicit. And like I said, it's just my personal reservation. 
Still, I loved the wisdom with which the author portrayed those scenes. 

I was engrossed in the story; my emotions were all over the place. You should have seen me reading it in between squeals of glee, gasps of horror and tears (both of pain and joy). It was one roller coaster ride that had me fully immersed from start to finish. 

It was a beautiful unpredictable read through and through, one I highly recommend to all hopeless romantics who are also Christians. Of course, it'll make a captivating read for non-Christians too. 

About the Author
Kemi Owonibi is a mum, writer, doctor, and author of contemporary romance fiction, including the intriguing “Being Mrs Stevens”, “After Lights Out”, “Beyond the Winding Path” and “A New Day”.
She is the author behind @realbiblepeople. She also writes nonfiction including “Bathsheba”, “The Long Walk to Calvary”, and “How to Get Better at Writing”.
She lives with her family in Port-Elizabeth, South Africa.
Visit the author at 
Follow her on social media @kemiowonibi on most platforms.
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Get your free copy of Being Mrs Stevens via the
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Happy reading!

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I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section. 

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Till the next one, fellow bibliophiles,


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