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Christian Novel Review: Annabel Lee

Hey there, buddy! Welcome to another juicy book review. Hope you have a wonderful ride. 

Title and Book Cover 

The title doesn't give off much except that this is the name of the main character in the story. 
As will be revealed in the story, I really bonded with the character because she, though initially vulnerable at the beginning, evolved to become a character so strong that fear and extreme isolation and gore couldn't faze her. 
Apparently, there was something so special about this girl—she was a genius with languages and her blood had a special, mystic quality—that made her to be hunted by those who called themselves blood eaters. 

I especially like the sense of mystery the book cover gives. Gives an eerie vibe. The picture used was the underground bunker where Uncle Truck hid Annabel, where most of the story was set. 

About the Book
Fourteen miles east of Peachtree, Alabama, a secret is hidden. That secret's name is Annabel Lee Truckson, and even she doesn't know why her mysterious uncle has stowed her deep underground in a military-style bunker. He's left her with a few German words, a barely-controlled guard dog, and a single command: "Don't open that door for anybody, you got it? Not even me."
Above ground, a former Army sniper called The Mute and an enigmatic "Dr. Smith" know about the girl. As the race begins to find her, the tension builds. Who wants to set her free? Why does the other want to keep her captive forever? Who will reach her first?
Private investigators Trudi Coffey and Samuel Hill need to piece together the clues and stay alive long enough to retrieve the girl—before it's too late.
With its stunning writing and relentless pace, Annabel Lee will captivate readers from the first page.

My Personal Take

In summary, this book was the amazing tale of an eleven year old girl called Annabel Lee, named after the character in one of Edgar Allan Poe's poems. 

“It was many and many a year ago
In a kingdom by the sea
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea . . .”

This story was told alternately in the perspective of three main characters: Annabel, Trudi the female detective and The Mute, a CIA agent who was dumb as an after-effect of war. 
Then, there were other interesting characters too like Sammie, Trudi's ex-husband, the Dog, who only responded to German commands and Jonathan Smith, the villain of the story who was hunting for Annabel

I loved the action packed scenes, the suspense and the innuendos that pointed back to God. All in all, this was a marvellous read, one I highly recommend for all book and God lovers. 

About the Author
Mike Nappa is an entertainment journalist at, as well as a bestselling and award-winning author with more than one million books sold worldwide. When he was a kid, the stories of Edgar Allan Poe scared him silly. Today he owns everything Poe ever wrote. A former fiction acquisitions editor, Mike earned his MA in English literature and now writes full time.

You can get your copy of the book here
Happy reading! 


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