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A Dream to Remember

Welcome to another episode of our book review on this book-loving platform. And today, I bring a lovely short story in tow with me. 

It's titled A Dream to Remember, written by Esther Friday, a budding author who shows great potential. I seriously cannot wait to read more from her. 

How I discovered the book

A dear friend of mine and author of Teleporter, Muna Fausta, made a post on her Facebook wall about how she edited this particular story and raved about how good it was. I promptly joined the link that led to the book launch of this particular story. I'm glad I did because not only was the book launch so exciting, but I learnt so much and was able to make meaningful connections. 

My take on the story

It was a wonderful read. I loved every bit of it.
I randomly opened it when I was getting sleepy in one of my lectures and I was hooked in. I read everything in less than 15 minutes. With three chapters and 26 pages, it's very easy to read in one sitting. 

PS: Don't see me as an unserious student, please. I don't recommend this to anyone. It's my personal wake-up system to read books.  
The words and scenes in the story flowed seamlessly. Indeed, it was a dream to remember. 

About the book

Everyone needs a bit of hope to thrive and push forward in whatever endeavour.

Irene definitely needed one when she bumped into her crush with a tray on her head and a background she wasn’t proud of.


Here's my six-pence additional info about what this story is all about as I try so hard not to give spoilers. 

I loved the names of the characters in the story. They were unique. We have Irene, the main character. Iyua, Theophilus and Vanessa are beautiful names, I tell you. 
And I loved how the story, though the ending almost inclined toward a sad tone, quickly took an upward turn when the main character remained optimistic regardless. 

Who should read the book?

Everyone who has a dream of a better tomorrow should read this story. It's a story for the hopeful, to solidify your hope. It's also a book for the despairing, to remind you that though the present might seem so bleak, the future is laden with great possibilities. 

My top quote from the book and what it means to me 

What are you thinking of?
Are you looking at your current situation or the future?
The future you have built and dreamt of?
Look up at the future and not down at your now and get the hope and force you need to push forward while trusting God.
You can do this. I know you can.

This was the epilogue but it resonated with me on a deeper level. 

About The Author
Esther Friday is a fictional Christian romance writer. She has been a writer from an early age as a child, since it was her talent.
She writes, not just for fun, but also to heal, inspire, motivate and bring peace and hope to the human race, while showing the love of God and His mighty hand in their lives. Even in the most trivial matter they think, He is not interested in.
Her desire is to get it right with God and to never let Him go all her days.

You can get a copy of this beautiful short story here. It's FREE! I hope you have a beautiful read and gain as much value from this story as I did. 
PS: Today (the day of the publication of this blog post) is the birthday of this book. It's your lucky day, isn't it?
Happy reading and see you next time. 


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