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Christmas Short Story: Ultimate Sacrifice


Michelle hurriedly dialled the emergency number and paced as sweat gathered on her brows. It wasn't every day that she'd be in the custody of a sixty-something-year-old woman in the first stages of labour. 

She had been putting plates into the automatic dishwasher as she hummed a merry tube when Aunt Lizzy suddenly gasped and turned as white as fluorescent lights.

"I think the baby is coming," Aunt Lizzy had gasped. A guttural cry tore out of her throat as she doubled over, face contoured in pain. 

"Oh, Adonai!"
Michelle dumped the china cups she had been holding into the sink, her small baby bump feeling suddenly weightier.  

After giving directions to the emergency service midwifery team, she looked at Mr Zach in the wheelchair as his eyes darted frantically back and forth. It was obvious the man would slip into a panic attack if she didn't calm him down. 

Too bad the man was immobilized, he would have driven them to the hospital. It was one of the many reasons she had been compelled to stay with Aunt Lizzy for her gestation period. 

What was better than for two outcast pregnant women staying under the same roof while they expectantly waited for the promise they had been given to come?

Japheth, Michelle's fiance, was so understanding. Though he was initially distraught by the news of her pregnancy, he suddenly became agreeable after he said he had a dream where a man whose countenance was as brilliant as a thousand suns confirmed the encounter she shared with him as the precursor of her pregnancy. 
Before she began to show, he gave her money for train tickets to her Aunt Lizzy's hometown. 

Mr Zach had narrated a similar encounter. While he was praying in his office in the church one day, an angel appeared to him and told him that his wife of 40 years would conceive. 

This was Year 7275 and angels weren't particularly common sight these days, not since the Great Silence, so it was difficult for anyone to believe Zach's story never mind that he was a pastor, not to talk of little Michelle's. 

Currently, the ruling was a farce attempt at a one-world government. It was highly fragmented. But Emperor Herienn IX was a peculiar leader of great power.

Many hours later, Aunt Lizzy's baby was safely born. 

As Michelle cooed over the newborn baby to lull him to sleep, she wondered what it would feel like to hold her baby in her arms.

She remembered her scintillating encounter with the angel who called himself Gabriel and gave her the name of her unborn child—Yeshua. That night, she had a dream where she was kneeling on a glassy sea. When she lifted her head, a bundle wrapped in a white shawl was handed to her. 

"Yeshua," Michelle whispered to herself later that night when she was alone, "I can't wait to see what you look like. It's an honour to carry the son of God. I mean, look at me... I'm the most unworthy creature meant for this task."

As she worshipped under the stars, she felt a blanket of love and warmth drape over her. This was His Presence. 

Her smart screen beeped, pulling her out of her blissful state. The warm voice of Japheth filtered into her ears, causing her to smile. 

She sniffed the emotion out and said in a croaky voice, "Hey!"

"What's wrong? Were you crying?"

"No, I'm fine. It's tears of joy and wonder, my love. I'm in awe of God. Lizzy got delivered of her bouncing baby boy this evening."

"Oh, hallelujah. That's wonderful news."

"That's not all. You know Zach was crippled, right?"


"You won't believe it. The moment he called out the name he claimed the angel gave his son, he stood on his feet without any aid. Zach was dancing on his two feet after over 9 months of being crippled. You should have seen the commotion that caused."

"Wow! That's something. I know Zach doesn't dance that well."

Michelle chuckled. "It was a sight. I'll send you videos as proof. Of their sweet baby too. His name is John." She paused and sighed wistfully 
"God is in our midst again, Japheth. What the history books tell of are not fanciful fairytales. I just feel so grateful that we are partakers of this wonderful adventure."

"Yeah, that reminds me of why I called you, dear. I'm coming to fetch you as soon as possible."


"I understand you had a busy day full of so much going on that you did not come online to see the latest trending news. Our dear Emperor seeks to know the extent of his domain, so he's conducting a worldwide census."

"Really? That's spontaneous and out of character for him."

"Everyone is saying the same. Anyway, you're my fiancee, Michelle. By law, you already belong to my clan. We're going to Bethlehem together!"


It is close to midnight when the rumours finally reach you but you don't hesitate. You immediately call Japheth, your brother, to reason with him and only end up yelling at him over the phone. 

His calm response that this was some sort of miraculous event only infuriated you the more. Was he that blind?

You were sure that crazy Michelle girl was nothing but a porcupine in sheep's clothing. 
Why, she had bewitched your only brother with some strong voodoo? 
This was a disgrace to the family. While completely fooling everyone that she was a sweet, innocent girl—how many of those existed this day?—she'd frolicked with a secret lover stashed somewhere. 
She saw that your brother, being her fiancee and a god-fearing one at that, would gobble up the fairytale once it included Adonai as the main character. 
Since when did Adonai start to have surrogate mothers in ordinary mortals?

Your husband, Corban, who is a vet doctor, sits by your side and tenderly asks what is disturbing you. 

You say it's nothing. 

"My love, I know when something is eating you up. I mean, just look at your hands, they are shaking. Your jaw is clenched too."

You sigh and spill everything to him while he quietly listens.

"Japheth is still young. He's just clocking 30. I don't know why he insists that it's Michelle or none else," you say. 

Corban grunts. You look into his eyes and immediately regret telling him because you can already you won't like what he will say. 

"Keren, I know you love your brother and that's why you're reacting this way. But... What if Michelle is telling the truth?"

"Oh, wow! So I'm the unbeliever here, right? I'm the one who doesn't believe in angelic visitations, right? No problem."


You rise and angrily slam the door behind you as you walk outside to the porch and look up at the stars. 

Thankfully, Japheth will be coming to town soon. The global census period declared by Emperor Herienn IX was just two weeks away. He has no other relatives here but you. And when he comes, hopefully alone, you would talk about this nonsense he was about to plunge himself into. If he proved as stubborn as he sounded over the phone, you would dissociate completely from him. 

But somewhere at the back of your mind, a calm voice whispers: "What if it's true? What if Messias has come? Wouldn't that change everything? Make all your dreams come true?"

You quickly shake the incredulous notion out of your head. 

That was nonsense! The Messias you were expecting was a mighty king who would usurp the current tyrannical government, not some babbling babe that came from a promiscuous, orphaned girl. 

You stretch and head back into the warm house where your husband is now dozing on the chair where you left him. Corban was never good at waiting. 

You check your one-year-old son, Noah, who is on his bed, playing with his toys, and cuddle him to sleep. Before you know it, you've slept off with him in your arms. 


Michelle felt nauseated by the time the train stopped. They would have had a much easier trip if they could afford the plane tickets, but Japheth was trying to be economical with the little he had. Working as an antique collector wasn't very lucrative in a world and age where virtually everything was digitized and people rarely cared for old items. 
However, Michelle remained enamoured to Japheth's industrious and creative nature. 

Japheth had been very quiet all through their trip, which was unusual. She had imagined they would have so much to want to talk about since they were just recently seeing themselves face to face again after over six months of their forced separation. 

She could guess the reason for his distress. Somehow, his siblings got an inkling that he was not planning to divorce her despite her condition. 
She knew that his elder sister lived in Bethlehem. Maybe they would stop over there. Michelle had begun to steel her heart for whatever confrontation she would have to face. 

She rubbed her taut belly and prayed to Adonai silently as the train doors opened and the nausea dissipated. 
"Adonai, please give me strength."

She hoped the whole census business would be fast, after all the process was automated, so they could head back to familiar territory—preferably Lizzy's home—in time for her delivery day. 

Japheth helped her get down and made her wait in a sheltered seat while he got the rest of their small luggage. 
He was panting hard when he finally got the last of their things out just before the train slithered away. 
She felt bad for the poor man. 

"I'm sorry for the stress you have to go through. I feel puffy and useless," Michelle said as she stood with a heave to meet him.  

"Hey, it's fine. You should rest. You're carrying the Messias in your belly. I reckon you're the one doing the greater work on the eternal scale."

Michelle cracked a smile and reached her hand to pick out a strand of thread that had lodged itself in between his beard. Out of the blues, she felt her emotions bubble like a volcano within her. 

"Thank you for everything, Japheth. I don't know what I'd have done without you beside me," Michelle said. Her eyes pooled with moisture. 

He cupped her face in his hand and looked at her lovingly. 
"Princess Michelle, I am honoured to be by your side on this adventure. I thank God for the day you walked into my store. You are my little jewel."

He placed a peck on her forehead and Michelle felt as though she would melt. Then, the most surprising thing happened. She felt a sharp tug from the inside of her belly. 

"Are you fine?" Japheth asked, concern lacing his voice when he saw how she sharply doubled over. 

She chuckled and straightened. "You won't believe it but I think Yeshua got jealous there a bit. He gave me a big kick on the inside."

Japheth's growing grin morphed into a chortle. Michelle hit his arm and gave him a pseudo-angry look. 

"Urgh! I must look like a mess. I have to freshen up. We're going to your sister's place, right? Let's hurry."

Japheth froze at her words, looking resolute and pained.  

She frowned, suddenly understanding. "We're not going there, are we?"

He gave her an apologetic look and sighed heavily as he flagged a cab that would take them to the Central Hall where the census was taking place. 

"I don't want to be the cause of a rift between you and your only sister. You guys should better make up fast," Michelle said after a moment when the cab had moved. 

"Well, I'm hoping she comes to her senses soon enough..." Japheth muttered.

In no time, they were in the hall. There was an impossible crowd waiting in line and it was already getting close to evening. Michelle could only hope that the supervising officials would not send them back home claiming to be tired. Thank Adonai AI was doing the bulk of the work, so the progress was fair enough. 

At intervals, Japheth would politely excuse himself from the line and go to check on her well-being. She could not let him know of her growing discomfort or else he would not get his counting done. Her back and waist ached like they were being pounded by a pestle. 

"Please, do you perhaps know of any hotel nearby where my wife and I could lodge for the night?" That was Japheth's weary voice asking the AI when he finally got to the count station. 

"Searching nearby lodging options..." the robotic AI voice replied. "I'm sorry but all hostels, motels, guest houses, hospitals and renting apartments within a thirty-kilometer radius have all been let out. The traffic has been heavy all through the week. Do you have a plan B, perhaps somewhere else to stay for the night?"

"Thanks for the help. We'll figure it out." Japheth looked so dejected as he returned to his waiting wife. 
"Michelle, seems like we have to get back on the road. There is no place for us to stay the night. I'm so sorry."

She wanted to say this was the perfect sign that they should go to his sister's house. Instead, she took a big breath and said, "It's okay."

They had walked to the main street, which was still bubbling with activity, waiting to flag an empty cab that could transport them to the train station.

A sharp pain so powerful that it stole her breath sliced through Michelle's midsection. She stopped Japheth abruptly and gripped his hand in a tight clutch. She glanced down and noticed the wet patch that oozed down her legs. 

"Oh no!" she breathed. "Japheth, the baby is coming."

Japheth looked as though he had just been punched. 
"What? I- I thought the delivery was not until the next two weeks."

"Yes, I know. I guess I got too stressed. What do we—AAAAAAAHHH!"

"Oh, Adonai. Relax, Michelle, take a deep breath. I'm right here with you. I can't carry you and this load. You'll have to walk. I know, I'm sorry. Can you lean on my arm... We have to find a place... Oh Adonai, please send help!"

"Is everything alright, son?" a wizened man asked, startling Michelle. 

"My wife. She's in labour and there is no place to go!" Japheth said pleadingly

"Sorry dear," the man said looking at her sweat-drenched form sympathetically. "If you have no other option, you can come with me. My house is already filled up with relatives. I have a boy's quarter behind the house but it has become the place I used to keep farm tools and some of my livestock."

"We don't mind sir... Thank you," Japheth said.

Michelle wanted to scream that his sister's place was a viable and safer option than following a strange man to a strange place that wasn't even ascertained as suitable for the delivery of the most important baby the world would see in a million years. But another vicious pain seized her, rendering her mute. Japheth led her to the kind man's car and off they drove while she struggled to swallow the screams that were threatening to pour out of her mouth. 


"You're telling me that you saw what? An actual angel?" You say, your words a mixture of incredulity and annoyance. 

"Not just an angel, darling. A host! Resplendent in dazzling white robes and wings! Keren, they had wings and the most majestic yet melodious voices! They filled the entire night sky. I thought I would pee in my pants... They spoke of the long-awaited prophecy being fulfilled. They led me to the place where they said the promised Messias was born."

You squint and look carefully at your husband. You know he has never told a lie, but you're seriously considering whether he is suffering from delirium.

"You have to believe me, Keren! He is here. The Messias is really  here."

"Wow! I never imagined our great Messias would come as a babe that needs pampering. This is the figure who is supposed to save us from our oppressors and usher us into the New Kingdom Adonai has promised us."

"Well, what can we say? God's ways are mysterious. Maybe God wants to prove a point by obeying natural laws."

You shake your head and internally facepalm, scoffing silently at the fact that your husband is so convinced that whatever apparition believes he saw was real that he didn't catch on your sarcastic tone. But you are unprepared for the next bomb he throws at you. 

He keeps up his high-speed pacing as he runs his finger over and over through his dark hair. 
"And, oh boy, Keren, you won't believe the surrogate parents of the Messias!"

You raise a brow and look at him, urging him to get it over with so you can tend to Noah. 

"It's your brother and his fiancee! Japheth and Michelle."

The mention of their names causes your eyes to expand. 


"I'm telling you! I was more surprised, more shocked by it. Japheth told me they came for the census but then Michelle's labour was induced earlier than they expected."

"Japheth is in Bethlehem and he couldn't come over to my place! Wow!"

"I'm sure it isn't like that. But, honestly, I wouldn't have believed it had the angels not appeared to me. And the child, our Messias, he was so..."

"Stop this nonsense at once. I'm sick and tired of it!" You retort. 


"Look, Corban, I honour and respect you, but please don't push me off the cliff."

With that, you stand abruptly, partly deaf to the hungry whines of your little Noah, and enter your room where you go to sob your eyes out. 


As she breastfed the beautiful baby, Michelle realized she might never recover from the unbelievable saga that transpired the last night. 

Japheth was surprisingly helpful. He cleared out a clean spot for her to squat and push. It was gruelling but Japheth held her hands, prayed over her, spoke the words of Adonai over her and made jokes to keep her mind occupied in her lucid moments.

The baby came and he looked so natural that Michelle almost began to doubt. What if what she thought was an angelic encounter was just an illusion to shield her from the reality that she had been raped?

However, when Japheth began to weep and praise Adonai and she stared into the warm brown eyes of the baby she held in her hands, she felt it. The same wonder that had overtaken her in her dream and when she was at Lizzy's. This was undoubtedly, the Messias, the son of Adonai. 

For a moment, the weight of this child's destiny dawned on her. She was to mother, at least for a while, this radical specimen the world was not prepared for! The thoughts of how unbalanced this equation was haunted her. Her only solace was in the fact that Adonai was not One to make any mistake whatsoever.

However, the strange visitors they had that very same night solidified the fact that this was no ordinary baby. 

First, it was the unexpected arrival of Corban, her brother-in-law. Japheth had done a lot of explaining. It took her all her restraint to not stick out her tongue at her fiance and say, "I told you so."

Corban said he had a supernatural encounter that led him to them. He had held Yeshua reverently and looked at him with wonder. 

Then came the three expensively dressed high officials after Corban left. 
At first, Michelle was scared, thinking they had committed a trespassing offence or something. After all, it was the census period and these people looked important enough to send them to jail for a lifetime. Their speech was heavily accented and their dressing style was not the usual kind around here. They said a star led them here to meet the newborn king and deliverer, all the way from the East. 

It was weird seeing these high-ranking personnel walking into the stinking, poorly lit space. For Corban, it was understandable because, after all, his profession was to take care of animals. But these people from the Eastern Coast looked like royalty. 

Michelle was at a loss for words when they bowed before the baby she held and presented expensive gifts—Three bags of gold coins, a jar of myrrh and aloe, and an alabaster filled with the most delicious-smelling frankincense she had ever come across. 

They left almost immediately, saying they had to be on their way. 

Throughout the night, Michelle could hardly sleep. She spent most of the night watching her baby's face and thinking about multiple things at once. 

When Japheth woke up, he had a troubled look etched on his face. 

"What troubles you, my beloved?" Michelle asked, yawning.

Japheth sighed deeply and looked into her eyes. 

"I had a dream, and the urgency of the warning still lingers over me."

Michelle frowned and turned better to face him. She should take all his dreams seriously because it seemed that was the way Adonai chose to communicate with her husband-to-be. "Really? What was it about?"

"I saw the same glowing man in my dream again. He told me that evil powers are after the babe's life and we have to flee to protect him."

"What are you saying?"

"I know this sounds random and maybe a little crazy right now but we have to leave immediately, to Egypt."

Michelle gasped and her mind spun. Was this a joke? She hadn't even recovered from the toll of the labour she underwent last night. 
"Egypt? But what about our marriage? We can't get married without a blessing from both families."

"Don't worry. God will make a way. I have friends in Egypt. There's a monastery that sends antiques to me for resale. That's the only place I know where it's safe for us."

He drew Michelle who was slightly shaking near and rested her head on his chest. "Don't worry, my dear. God is with us. Literally."


You wake up agitated, and sweaty. In the dream, there was a blood bath. You saw hills and valleys filled with bones and tattered clothes drenched in a pool of blood.  
Then you heard the shrill cry of your only baby. He sounded in so much torture. 
"Noah!!!" your shriek breaks out of your dream and echoes through your small room, startling your husband awake.

Your breathing is heavy as you try to orient yourself to reality. Trembling as your husband tries to get a coherent explanation from you, your eyes dart around the room. 

Never have you experienced a dream so heart-wrangling. It all felt so real—the taste of dust and gore, the sound of death, the metallic smell of blood. 

"My baby," you whisper. As you tear off your blanket from your body and wear your muffled rubber slippers, a harsh knock on the door stops you cold. You gasp and check the clock. 1:23 am. 

Corban orders you to stay in the room but you don't obey him. Silently, you follow him at a distance and watch as he confirms the identity of the 'visitors' and opens the door for them. 

"We are here by order of the Imperial Chief Hikkon of the Province of Bethlehem. You have been ordered to produce your son, seeing he is below age 2 in the database."

The shaking starts again. You feel the cold claws of dread wrap over your heart.   

"But why? What is going on? It's the dead of night, for Heaven's sake," you hear Corban say. 

"Mister, if you try to resist us, we will be forced to detain you while we fetch your child."

"Well, I cannot let you into my house without a warrant."

The person you suppose must be the chief guard shoves your husband out of the way enters with his android and cyborg team and begins scanning and ransacking your entire house. 

They drag your Noah, who is still in between sleep and alertness, out. 

"Mommy?" he babbles in confusion when he sees you. 

The android holding him clamps a metal hand over his mouth. Your boy begins to whimper and cry.  

Suddenly, you realize what is happening. The dream. A warning that came too late. 

You are vaguely aware of Corban who is infuriated and trying to tell them to stop. They restrain him. 
You are vaguely aware of a scream until your raw throat begs for relief. 

By morning, when the news reaches you that all the babies that had been taken were sent as lab rats to the most vicious experimental centre in Bethlehem, you slink into depression and bitterness. 
When you later hear that the abducted children were all placed in an electrocution chamber and were fried to death from their blood vessels, you want to pull off your skin. 

Your baby is dead. Dead. While the other mothers wail and curse and the entire citizenry contemplates a revolt against a wicked government that kills innocent children for absolutely no reason, you just sit like a rock, gazing at emptiness. 
So much for the advent of some fantasy Messias.


"Michelle, have you seen the news?" Japheth said, his voice horrified. 

It had been only a few months since they took refuge in the Egyptian Monastery of Angels. 
Yeshua was growing fast. This is your cute, beautiful boy who could melt the coldest heart with one gaze of his eye. 

A few days after Michelle settled in Egypt, Japheth arranged a sort of court marriage between you both. But they had come to an agreement that until after Yeshua was weaned and hopefully they had returned to home base where they could get family blessings, they would not consummate your marriage. 

"What news?" 

He gave Michelle his smart screen. What she saw as the news headlines made her heart shatter. 


"I'm sure Keren lost a child too. I can sense it. Oh, Adonai! Noah was such a lovely nephew," Japheth said. 

"I'm sorry, Japheth."

Yeshua began to wail and Michelle stood to rock him. She made up her mind to pray every day for the mothers of every child who sacrificed their lives in exchange for Yeshua's. The world might never know their names, but they were the first true martyrs. 


You go to the temple alone to speak with Anna the prophetess about your plight. It had been over a year since it happened, since you witnessed the death of your only son. You need closure, peace maybe.

Corban has been very understanding. Even though you didn't allow him to touch you again after that dreadful night, he stuck with you and was even the one who suggested you seek spiritual help. 

Of course, because it came from the powers up high, the matter was buried. 

But Adonai, being the just judge he is, wouldn't ignore the cry for vengeance from the bereaved mothers. Hikkon died before he had spent half his reign time in Bethlehem. His death was mysterious. It was said that a flesh-eating virus which not even the most sophisticated medicine had ever seen had attacked him. He was dead within 24 hours of his sudden ailment.

"Welcome daughter," Anna says. "I see you carry a lot of loads. Doubt and Unforgiveness are eating up at your heart and you need to get rid of them before they consume you completely."

You shift, uncomfortable. Those blunt accusations make you feel helplessly naked. 

At a point, you began to blame yourself. It was because of you that your brother had abandoned you, that your son had died, that you were slowly losing Corban. 

Anna smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. 
"But, dear daughter because you've given so much, Adonai is ready to heal you. You came just in time, for Adonai told me last night that today will be the day I set my eyes on the Messias."

You almost roll your eyes. This mumbo jumbo again? What was this delusion that had overtaken everyone who surrounded you lately?

"Would you dare believe again, my dear?"

From nowhere, tears burst like a dam from your eyes. You feel a warm divine embrace engulfing you and you bask in it for a long time.

The aged prophetess wobbly rises and walks in a daze as she chants a psalm in ancient Hebrew. 

She gestures for you to follow, till you reach the outer court of the church headquarters building. 

Pointing at the entrance gate, Anna bursts into a musical psalm of praise. It looked like the woman had been caught in the spirit.
You squint your eyes against the sun as you see a couple walking towards your direction. 

Your eyes almost pop out. Japheth, and Michelle with a toddler holding on to her. When did they arrive from Egypt?

You want to be angry but instead, you feel relief and joy. You run and hug your brother, washing his coat with your tears. 

"Sister..." he says as he hugs you back. 

"I'm sorry," Michelle says to you, eyes downcast. 

You smile. "It's okay. I understand now. I hated you for a long time and got blinded to the miracle that was dropped in my lap."

"Is this him? The promised child? May I hold him?"

"Of course."

When you hold him and look at his big brown eyes, you feel as though you've dived into an ocean of absolute love. 
It's like they are communicating to you the message of healing you need: 
"I see you. I know. Your Noah is safe in Heaven and if you believe in me, you'll see him again." 


Glory to God in the Highest! Jesus came to earth. 💃💃💃

I just imagined this: if for some weird reason, Jesus wasn't born 2000 years ago but came much later in the future. 
There'll be no AD or BC so the year would be 7275. 
If Jesus' earthly father had a sister who detested Jesus' earthly mother but her own baby got killed in the massacre of King Herod??🤔

I want to give my heartfelt appreciation to everyone who supported me in one way or the other for the Pen-impact Christmas contest. I'm so blessed to have such an amazing community of people who selflessly desire my growth. 🤗

Unfortunately, I didn't make it to the top three.🥲 But seriously, all of your support means the world to me. 😊

I do hope you had a wonderful Christmas. If you want the updated PDF of this story get it for free here
I really appreciate you all. God bless you for me. 🫂🫂🫂


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