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Christian Fiction Review: Invasion by Ayomide Victor

Hello again dear friend! I hope you're doing good. Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I kept to my promise and I'm back once again with another sizzling hot Nigeria Christian fiction for your enjoyment and edification. Let's hope right into it. 

Invasion: Before the Apocalypse
(Sons and Demons One)

What a gripping title! For anyone who loves action and suspense, this title gives that promise. 

This is the first book in a series (the only one published as at the time this blog review being released)
Don't let this discourage you from reading the book. As of now, the author has assured me that two more books in the series are being actively worked upon and will be released soon as God will have it. 

Christian paranormal/supernatural fiction 

My absolute favourite genre! Yes. If you love stories that unveil the unseen layer of spiritual realities, you'll love this book. Think angels, demons, spiritual gifts, end-time saga and many more exciting concepts. 
Think Frank Peretti's writing style. 

Book Length
30 chapters (plus an extra epilogue). 350 pages (for the ebook PDF).

Cover design

This cover design absolutely drew me in, hook, line and sinker. 

We see a dark eerie figure on an equally menacing-looking horse (which is quite significant to the plot) against a fiery landscape background with a smattering of flying dragons. 

To spice up the intrigue created by this amazing cover even more, there was a short snippet of an endorsement by a notable figure in the African literary space, Elisha Oluyemi. It goes thus: 

A rare spiritual exploration of doomsday via the lens of the Nigerian society. Riveting!

I have admired Sir Elisha's works and achievements for a long time from a distance. Apparently, as seen in the acknowledgements, Sir Elisha Oluyemi was the editor of this novel. 

Blurb (About the Book)

Our world has been encroached upon; solitude is no longer ours.

Darkness is covering the earth, and Agnes finds herself at the centre when a ghastly accident alters her mundane life. She begins to see things. And in her desperation to halt the train of infernal visions of horsemen and destruction, Agnes finds support in her dear sister, Beatrice, an enthusiast of dark records.

However, when Agnes meets the Sons of God, a group of people who can see her visions, she and Beatrice find themselves on opposing sides of a war they did not start.

The prophecies of the Book of Revelations are unfurling with terrifying accuracy, and the Banes of Job — the primordial beasts of humanity, have begun to rise. Can Agnes find her identity before doomsday? Can she and the Sons of God ignite the flame to lick up the rushing waters of hell? Will she overcome the coven, the demons, the antichrist, the temptations that must ensnare her?

Invasion: Before the Apocalypse' is an exceptional pre-apocalyptic Christian fantasy that explores the events of the coming damnation via the lens of the Nigerian society.

Plot & Characters 

The twists and turns in this story had me reeling too many times to count.  
At some point, I was so immersed in the story that I forgot that this was a story set in Nigeria. 
It was evident that the author did a good job in the research process because he was able to seamlessly intertwine other languages and ancient documents and paranormal concepts in one story. 

There were many important characters in this book, like Agnes (the main character) and Beatrice (her sister?). A quick word of advice: don't be so quick to trust any character in the story. Read with open eyes. 

My favourite character was Hosea. Not only was this guy a spiritual boss, he was also, in the words of Beatrice when she first saw him, as handsome as Absalom. 
Don't tell me you don't know who Absalom is... Go check your Bible right away! 

I'll share some snippets of some scenes from the book in the screenshots below. 

This was the end of chapter one, the opening hook:

This was sorta the climax battle of the story. *Speaks in tongues!

I should warn ahead that the story wraps up on a major cliffhanger in the end that will have many questions lingering in your mind. Hence why I can hardly wait for the publication of Book 2. I'll keep you guys updated. 

How I Discovered the Book 

I think I first saw the book when the publishers, Ifeadigo Publishing Company, ran a promotion on Instagram for the book. I was captivated by what I saw and made a mental note that I would purchase the book the moment I had the means. I am glad for that decision. 
This book blessed me greatly and has me thirsty for more. 

Who should Read the Book

Every believer in Jesus Christ should read this book. 
If you're an intercessor, or you want to hone any of the spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit has bestowed on you, I highly recommend this book to you. 

In fact, I feel unbelievers caught up in the snare of spiritual bondage can read this and come to understand the superiority of God's power. 

About the Author
Ayomide Victor is a Nigerian writer, public speaker. Born and raised in Nigeria, he writes intriguing Crime Fiction and Christian Fantasy set in tropical West Africa. He writes for readers of all ages. His work, Nightshade featured in the Profwic Crime Fiction Anthology Volume One – Nightshade, published by Ifeadigo Publishing Company.
Currently, he is hard at work on his next dynamic and intriguing story.

Ayomide loves connecting with his readers. Feel free to reach out to him via:

How to Get the Book

The book isn't free. It is for sale for a small amount, but it is absolutely worth the little token of appreciation for the skill and time the author invested into this amazing story. 

The book can be purchased both in softcopy and hardcopy on Selar and Amazon Kindle respectively. 

Amazon Kindle Purchase Links for INVASION by Ayomide Victor:

Amazon Paperback Purchase Links for INVASION by Ayomide Victor:

I hope you'll go ahead to read this book and share it with your friends too. 
Thanks for reading to the end of this blog. I'd like to know in the comments section if this is a book you'd want to read. 
If you have recommendations for me that you'd like me to write a review about, please tell me in the comments too. 

God bless you and enjoy reading!


  1. This is a wonderful review very detailed πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ and i couldn’t agree with you more on this….you absolutely said my mind πŸ€— the book is a masterpiece, it sharpens your spiritual mind. ITS A MUST READ for everyoneπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘Œ


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