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Showing posts from October, 2020


  Diagnosis of the various spiritual ailments plaguing the patients Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered? Jeremiah 8:22 Wounds and bleedings : These can be incurred by several means, some of which we'll examine through the help of the Holy Spirit. Pride and carelessness can make one that thinks he stands to fall rather unexpectedly. The higher the level from which one falls, the deeper and more severe the wound can be (and that if the person is fortunate enough not to be dashed into pieces). Some wounds are gotten during battle when the fiery darts of the enemy pierces through an unshielded soldier. While some of these wounds may be external and thus easily seen and treated, some might be internal wounds and internal bleedings in form of fractured bones, ulcers etc. Spiritual malnourishment or starvation : The bible says in Isaiah 55:1-2 that


  At the last supper, Jesus declared that the unleavened bread which he broke and shared among His disciple symbolizes His body that was bruised, broken and given for all at the cross. Glory be to God. Jesus' body was not subject to decay (corruption) in the grave. He arose with a resurrected, glorified body. The body of Christ on earth was established to mirror the body of our resurrected Lord in Heaven. Thy kingdom ( Your body, dear Lord) come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. I pray that as you, my dear co-lover of The King, read through the following revelation, your eyes may be opened and your understanding enlarged to grasp the depths of this One whom we earnestly love and seek. MEMBERS AND FUNCTIONS OF CHRIST'S BODY His head is as white as snow. The hair signifies the glory and covering of baldness of a person. This is why the bible says that the glory of an old man is in his hoary hair and the hair of a woman is her glory. As white


  HAPPY NEW MONTH AND HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY TO ALL NIGERIANS The bible says in the book of Psalms 122:6 "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Nigeria):they shall prosper that love thee". Today is the mark of sixty years of independence for our British colonial rulers. We thank God for all His goodness towards Nigeria. God loves Nigeria and that's why despite the way the stink of our evil ways rises up to him continually, He has not obliterated us in His wrath. God has been so merciful and gracious unto us. But, we have to pray because things are not the way they should be. The spiritual climate of Nigeria is like a desert waste land. The economy is in shambles. The educational sector is in disarray. The unemployment and crime rate is at its peak. Corruption is the order of the day. Nigeria has become a by-word and a desolation among nations. Many citizens of this sleeping giant of Africa speak of this country and the calamities befalling her as if they are separate from