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Showing posts from June, 2022

The Easiest Formula To Love Reading

Hey there, buddy! You're welcome once again to this divine hub. Make yourself at home. If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I love reading.  It on my top list of things I can do even if I'm on the verge of dying.  I'm not trying to boast. In fact I say this with all sense of humility, because I wasn't always like this.  And besides what have I to be proud of? I have some friends who read far way way beyond what I do. Those are the real bookworms.  So, a lot of my friends have been asking me to tell them the secret formula to easy and enjoyable reading.  And I thought, why not make it into a blog? Amazingly, in this generation there's a whole lot of information out there.  The Bible says that in the end times, knowledge shall increase.  Ecclesiastes 12:12 (KJV) And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. Hear what Apostle Paul said to his mente

A New Beginning!

*Squeals excitedly* Happy birthday to me! Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of another new year.  Yep! June 11 is officially one of the most blessed days in the entire year, just because that's the day I was born (no kidding). Face reveal!  For my newbie friends who don't know me. Yeah, you earned it, guys.  PS: Ask anyone who knows me. I don't like snapping pictures. Most of my pics are centuries old. But hey, it's my birthday. Feast your eyes on this rare phenomenon. This might not happen in the next 1000 galactic light years When a royal Princess lands in the building, everyone is spell-bound.  When I was kid, I wanted to grow up real fast so I could rule the world and be anything I wanted.  Adults were gods and goddesses in my naive eyes. Who else can relate? But should I be honest and tell you how I feel right now?  Confused. A little bit scared. Because honest, I'm getting closer to the afternoon part of my life (Thanks, Dad, for the '


Hey, my fellow teen friend with hormones running in your veins!  I'm so glad you're here. Thanks for clicking that link that led you here. I promise it'll be worth your time.  I'm sure you're very curious about this topic.  Maybe you're here to spy on me and see whether I'll rant about my experience with having a crush.  He he... Maybe another time (when I feel led to) but not today. Today's blog post is special.  Yes! We have a guest, a veteran content writer in the relationship niche and my friend, who is going to dissect this crucial matter that most of us have struggled or are struggling with for us.  Let's give a round of applause as we welcome on stage, Miss Ayobami Joy Sanusi. Ayobami Joy Sanusi is a 300level student of the prestigious University of Obafemi Awolowo.  She is an educationist, an ardent lover of God. A freelance content writer, editor, and transcriber. A faith, relationship, and lifestyle blogger.  She loves reading b