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Showing posts from May, 2023


This is a short story submitted to the Christian Writers and Readers' Club anthology.  Its theme is centred on freedom from past guilt and fears. I pray it produces that effect in your life even as you read. •••°°°••• Violet ran, and ran, and ran.  But all her running felt like she was treading a giant treadmill on a spot. Like she was a guinea pig, spinning in a miniature Ferris wheel in an iron cage. She couldn't control the panic that clawed at her mind at the onslaught of the hulking beings that plodded close on her heels. How long had it been since she got caught in this cycle of fleeing and snares?  It had been ever since she could tell left from right. Ever since she was little and her cowardice had resulted in the death of her mother.  Violet could feel her lungs constricting. Her breaths came out in short wheezes and loud gasps for oxygen.  The nipping air enveloped her, ruffling her thick, curly hair and lacy dress, not in the nicest of ways.  Thorns and p


Heat flooded my face at what the gorgeous man seated before me had casually suggested.  "Wha-aat?" I stuttered like a child whose mother had just given a hot slap that made him see the milky way galaxy.  "Don't you understand simple English anymore?" the hot dude in a Armani suit said with an amused smirk on his face.  He leaned back into the swivel chair and began leisurely swinging to the left and right as he leered at me, his eyes lingering at you-know-where!   If my heart had been beating as fast as a galloping horse before, now I was sure it was in overdrive mode. My face was was twitching as many emotions coursed through me. Shock. Desperation. Desire. I should have prepared myself for this. But given the fact that my records were impeccable, I'd thought I wouldn't have to face this nightmare I had only read in stories.  I, Elizabeth Jesutofunmi Donalds, was a chaste lady by all standards. In my days at the university, while other girls


JUST OBEY ©2023 by Praise Abraham Victoria felt her heart thudding like a ping-pong ball as she stared up at the fancy hotel.  "I'm not a sinner. This is strictly professional," she muttered to herself.  "Daughter, it's not too late to turn back now," the calm voice of the Spirit whispered to her.  She hesitated and shook off the guilt gnawing at her.  "Please, don't ruin tonight for me. It's just a professional event that my boss asked me to accompany him to." "He's been hitting on you since forever, Victoria. Remember, I placed you in that company not to be overwhelmed by the darkness there but to be a light, especially for Lakunle." "I know God, and you also know I've been doing my best. It's just that wisdom is profitable to direct. This is a chance for me to be promoted to the highest level if I'm able to pitch to and nail top clients." "Hmmm, I see... What are you wearing, Victoria?


Trigger warning: The following story contains mentions of abuse, depression, rape and suicidal thoughts😟. Tread lightly. However, be rest assured that this short story points back to the redemptive power of God, despite all the unavoidable dark scenes🥰.  Be blessed. ❤️ 📌Has been published on Wattpad Christian Writers and Readers Club's Short Story anthology.   Genre: Young Adult •••°°°••• 1ST JANUARY, 2017 12:00 A.M. The sounds around me are much welcome to me, but not so to the squirming baby in my arms.  It's my first new year celebration. That might look like an absurd statement since I am technically still a teenage girl turning nineteen this year, but to me, it's true. I never lived before now; I just existed. I had been melting into oblivion with each passing second. Until His grace found me. Until hope broke forth in my thick dark mess.  1ST JANUARY, 2016 It was the new year celebration time in Lagos peninsula, Nigeria. No big news there.  Problem was,


This was a challenge/prompt given by #TellOAU, an online writing group of my university, in commemoration of the 2022 children's Day celebration. PS: This was my real life experience.  Also, I want to dedicate this chapter to my beautiful kid sister who features in this tale, Peace. I'm grateful to God for your life and for the battles we've fought side by side. I love you, sis.  Alright guys, enjoy! Genre: spiritual, paranormal •••°°°••• I'm sure the title must have had you wondering, "What in Jupiter is she about to tell us? A sad, horrific tale?" I'll let you be the judge of that.  This one experience was, to my childish mind, mortifying.  It is one of the major reasons for my strong belief and fascination with the supernatural.  It was a glimpse, a brief but vivid glimpse that as stuck to me like a leech ever since.  Mind you, I'm a kind of person whose mind easily discards unnecessary information.  I don't remember most events of m


#Reedsyblog prompt:  Write a historical fiction about a child witnessing a major historical event. •••°°°••• 14th Nisan, about 1450BC Goshen, Ancient Egypt Young Eleazar sat huddled beside his mother, Elisheba, on the Passover table.  He could feel a certain terror lurking, hovering beyond the borders of their bloodied door, ever ready to pounce upon its unsuspecting victim. His mind could not fully fathom why they were up at night, fully clothed and eating this queer meal.  His heart had been shattered when they had slain his best lamb, Korban, that evening.  As they splattered the blood of the innocent creature over the lintel and doorpost of their little home, his father, Aaron, explained the necessity of the ritual. "The Lord will descend to pour wrath upon the whole of Egypt and their gods. We must do this so that the Angel of death will pass over us when he sees the blood mark." Now, Eleazar stared at the roasted lamb meat of his dear Korban lying on a big p


AN OPEN SPECTACLE  Ebenezer had always cherished competence.  As a Masters degree holder in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Lagos, he knew his way around machines like no one else. He worked for Klide Motor Venture Inc., the top car manufacturer and international trade company in Nigeria, for five years and earned big money.  However, the moment he gave his life to Christ genuinely, he began to face severe persecution in his workplace. His colleagues began to see him as a fanatic and ostracised him. Because he was privy to the fraudulent activities of the top stakeholders of the company when handling government contracts, he became uncomfortable with his workplace settings. Under severe conviction from the Holy Spirit, he exposed their schemes to the media. However, it backfired because the media tagged him as a whistleblower and he was sacked. As a single father of his only daughter, Mercy, it became quite difficult to live the life of affluence they were use