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Showing posts from January, 2022


This was a short story entry for a challenge initiated by an acquaintance of mine. #LoveExperience ©Praise Chidinma Abraham  RESCUED BY LOVE Once upon a time, before the earth evolved into the despondent specie we now know it to be, there was a beautiful, virgin kingdom located in the far east, the orient land that the sun kissed first before any other part of Earth.  It had the lushest of green fauna, the most crystal of waters, the brightest of stars at night, and the most sonorous harmony of both animal and human sounds.  The name of that kingdom was "Camorhit-ile", pronounced /Kæmu:itl/.  The north, east and west regions of the land were under the blissful rulership of the Great Queen Sarayu. She was the monarchess that governed the entire estate.  Full of grace and beauty, there was no flaw whatsoever found in her. She was fierce and bold, one that would rather fight side by side with her army to protect the land rather than sit back in the palac


We've seen water benders, fire benders, air benders and earth benders, all thanks to the Avatar movie. Today, I'm going to be talking about another superpower, which is 'Time Bending'.  *Enters superhero mode, complete with suit, cape and cool dark shades.* We serve a God who is beyond and controls time and space. He the omnipresent God who regards eternity as the blink of an eye.  If you believe that, can I hear an 'AMEN!'?  My physicists friends will agree with me that due to the theory of relativity (Genius Mr Albert Einstein came up with that one), the concept of time and space bending is not far-fetched. That's why science fiction can conjure possibilities of time travel, teleportation and the likes.  Am I the only one who feels the concept of time is simply unbalanced?  I mean, who else is finding it hard to believe that 10 days are gone already from 2022?  Just say 'let me take a snort nap to boost my weary body (God help you that you


Let me guess... You came here because you're curious about what I have against NYR's? *Clears throat* Uhmmm, sorry, I meant New Year Resolutions. *Flashes cheeky grin at reader. He he he... Typical of me to coin my own abbreviations. So, the issue is, this resolution frenzy 'in thing'  comes at the beginning or start of every new era: like a new year, a new month, a new week, even down to a new day, for those who have the time to actually plan their whole lives. Kudos to this category of people o... It's a special grace, I tell you. I went to the dictionary on my phone to check up the meaning of the word, 'resolution'.  It read, 'A strong will, determination; A statement of intent, a vow.'  I burst out into laughter when I read this definition. You know why? Cos, pfft, *rolls eyes*, One, this is so not me, or any other normal human being for that matter. Well, except that human being has watched like 100 series of motivational speeches da


Laughing at the devil's face when he is fuming that his plans have failed... Welcome once again to this arena. Thanks to all those who read the previous post and commented. Your response was really encouraging. God bless you. Today, I bring you: "Operation detective PeculiarPraise!"  *Puts on detective lenses and pipe like Sherlock Holmes* Like I promised in the previous post, I'm gonna be telling y'all about the burgling/raiding of my church, from the close range view of the Pastor's Kid. Now, I'm sharing this because I know that someone's faith needs to be built up. This is not to ridicule God's name (I can't ever dare to do that), or to make you scared or sorry for us.  The truth is once you sign up to be a Christian, you've signed up to be satan's next target. Persecution, trials, temptations will swarm you hard. The whole world will turn against you.  Jesus is our perfect example. His case was far worse; they even calle


First day experience in the year 2022! Hello everyone! It's a new year, obviously. And I'm excited for sure. And it feels so good to be here again, though it's been ages since I came here to give any post.  Anyways, 2022 comes with new goals and resolutions and I guess reviving this blog is one of the things that the Holy Spirit has been pressing upon my heart.  I can't promise, because my life is so thronged with many engagements, but I hope by the grace of God to make posts regularly. As I was telling my sister, on the 1st, the sun wasn't purple, neither was the sky green, neither were we floating through the air.  Everything was normal. Just the way it has always been. Normal.  It's only that we humans have tagged some days 'special' and some days 'usual'. What makes the 1st of January special is because we say so.  In this blog post, I'll share a bit if my first day experience. *Inserts crying emojis on one side and laughing e