Happy Easter Sunday, folks. Glory to Jesus! Our Saviour is risen! Death could not defeat Him. Hallelujah! Thanks for visiting this blog on this great day that commemorates the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Your presence here has made my Easter celebration a lot more brighter. I want you to know that you are a specially crafted handiwork of Gof and it was because of you that Jesus died and arose again. I promised you guys something and I had to keep to my word. I know I suck at writing a rhyming poetry, but I tried to give it a shot. I hereby present to you my cringey, 'Easter-ish' poem. Read cautiously, yet meditatively. May the Lord open your eyes to see the spiritual implication of His resurrection. Amen. PART ONE THE UNDERWORLD MEETING: SHORTLY AFTER OPERATION ASSASSINATE-THAT-SON-OF-GOD FAILED! Huff, puff, grunt, and growl, The demon lord, Beelzebub, paces like a troll. 'Why, for all hell's sake, didn't our plan work? I thought killing h...
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