THE VOICE STILL SPEAKS The absurd norm The frequency of the world Drifting away as though none is God The scent of eternity is so faint to many Alas, the end of the ages has befallen us all So much noise and commotion deafens and beclouds the ears of men The distractions are stifling, almost strangling even We incline our ears to the media, the horoscope, the lies of false prophets, the seductions of our own flesh When shall we ever listen? To that simple stirring and patient nudging that seems so distant yet is nearer to us than our skin In the midst of the mumbo-jumbo A voice springs, full of clarity Solemn yet reverberating through nature's course Sounding the alarm in the wilderness of vanity Away! Get far away, it plead earnestly From darkness, void and formlessness Lest I pounce upon you like a lioness Lest I come suddenly upon you like a thief in the night. Let him who has ears dug out for him hear what the Spirit say...
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