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Showing posts from July, 2020


THE VOICE STILL SPEAKS The absurd norm The frequency of the world Drifting away as though none is God The scent of eternity is so faint to many Alas, the end of the ages has befallen us all So much noise and commotion deafens and beclouds the ears of men The distractions are stifling, almost strangling even We incline our ears to the media, the horoscope, the lies of false prophets, the seductions of our own flesh When shall we ever listen? To that simple stirring and patient nudging that seems so distant yet is nearer to us than our skin In the midst of the mumbo-jumbo A voice springs, full of clarity Solemn yet reverberating through nature's course Sounding the alarm in the wilderness of vanity Away! Get far away, it plead earnestly From darkness, void and formlessness Lest I pounce upon you like a lioness Lest I come suddenly upon you like a thief in the night. Let him who has ears dug out for him hear what the Spirit say


  Many are called but few are chosen. You have been appointed to be a watchman(woman) for your generation. Ezekiel 33:1-20 It is not for you, as a watchman to sleep or doze off (even if you are tired, let the Spirit of God quicken your mortal body, renew your mind, renew your strength as the eagle's). It is not for you as a watchman, to get drunk with wine (lusts and pleasures of this world) wherein is excess, but to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Duties of a watchman for God Foresight / vision : Because the watchman normally stays on a higher platform (the watch tower), he can see far ahead and beyond what a ground-level believer can. That's the benefit of being seated with Christ in heavenly places, given the altitude and eye-sight of an eagle. Sounding the trumpet / warning : The watchman of the Lord blows the alarm trumpet when he sees danger approaching so as to awaken the slumbering virgins that the bridegroom cometh, to prepar
"Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good: because His mercy endureth for ever." Psalm 118:1 "Thank you" is so simple a phrase yet so powerful. Unfortunately, many Christians have deleted this word from their dictionary. I pray that the Lord will minister to whosoever reads this and restore the attitude of gratitude that becometh saints. There is a Yoruba adage that says "he who is thankful for the good done yesterday will no doubt receive another" and I quite agree. As christians, we should cultivate the habit of thanking God even for little things. The bible says in the book of Psalm chapter 103   verses 1-2: BLESS THE LORD O MY SOUL AND ALL that is within me bless His holy name. bless the Lord o my soul and forget not all His benefits. THANK HIM FOR KEEPING YOU ALIVE You wake up in the morning. You open those eyes of yours. You can move your legs and arms. It's not your alarm that woke you up (please keep that in mind). Do


A sacrifice is what you give that will cost you. You don’t give a sacrifice while smiling. It hurts to see your very best being given away. A sacrifice is what you let go of to please God; it is what shows God that you are serious about Him. It is literally the giving up of one's self to God. Praise is the offspring of a heart that has tasted and seen that the Lord is worthy to be glorified. It is the expression of gratitude in terms too deep for words. It is pure adoration of the One whom we love. We must note that not all sacrifices are acceptable before God. Before any sacrifice can be accepted it must meet God's requirements and standards. May the Holy Spirit enlighten us as we unveil the scripture to find out the proper way to offer praises to God. Hebrews 13:15 "By Him therefore let us offer sacrifices of praise to God continually, that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name… For with such sacrifices God is well pleased." MEDIUM OF OFFERI


IN HUMBLE ADORATION I ascribe, to the God of spirit and flesh and everything that exists in between both realms I ascribe all praises and honor For He is the one who loved me exceedingly even while I yet wallowed in the mire of filthy slime Who rescued my soul from the tyranny of sin and satan He sanctified me with spiritual hyssop - His own blood, His very life Who removed the veil giving me a warped vision that I was living in freedom even when I was entangled in the shackles of the hater He broke the chains and made me free indeed; He anointed my eyes with eye salve so that the scales were removed and I could behold His glory Oh, I did not deserve it an inch Oh, I loathe myself for the times I hurt Him and ignored Him when He stretched out His hands to me I remember when He tried holding me and I cruelly shoved Him off, when He called my name and I intentionally blocked my ears, when He stood out the door of my heart in the cold of winter and heat of t